Use "whispered voice" in a sentence

1. 'Keep your voice down,' I whispered.

2. Please , doan holler agin!'she whispered, her voice shaking.

3. 12 That leaves but the caress of your voice whispered.

4. He was right, a distant voice in her mind whispered mockingly.

5. Aphonia definition is - loss of voice and of all but whispered speech.

6. His voice was whispered, incredulous; something about the curious paths of his own life caused him endless surprise.

7. "Yes, " I whispered back.

8. Her smile was wide as she whispered, with a slight quiver in her voice, “Isn’t that the most beautiful thing you’ve ever heard?”

9. The girls exchanged whispered confidences.

10. "Bless you, Eva," he whispered.

11. His adventures have been whispered everywhere.

12. "No, " he whispered through gritted teeth.

13. The wind whispered in the pines.

14. The story is being whispered about.

15. He whispered something in her ear.

16. The Whispered Prayer of the Beseechers

17. She whispered something in his ear.

18. "Hush, " he whispered against her hair.

19. “Dad,” Dani whispered, “I love this story.”

20. He whispered his last words to me.

21. "He's gone," Rory whispered in sepulchral tones.

22. 19 "Come on,("he whispered urgently.

23. 'Get the doctor,' he whispered shakily.

24. 'I feel very afraid,' she whispered.

25. 'It's magnificent,' she whispered in awe.

26. 12 He whispered slyly to his brother.

27. She whispered that she felt very afraid.

28. He whispered to me that he was afraid.

29. Last-second, whispered conversations echoed throughout the hall.

30. 'Don't threaten me,' she whispered with false bravado.

31. I whispered him not to make any noise.

32. 'I've missed you,' he whispered in her ear .

33. she whispered , still looking around bug-eyed .

34. 'Can you meet me tonight?' he whispered.

35. The story being whispered about the neighbourhood.

36. Sprinkleroom, I whispered, with a reverent snort.

37. They arrived at twilight, and, as we strolled out among the sparkling hundreds, Daisy's voice was playing murmurous tricks in her throat. "These things excite me so, " she whispered.

38. "Eleanor, " he whispered huskily, bending. "Oh, God, Eleanor..."

39. They stopped, and engaged in a whispered colloquy.

40. He drew me aside, and whispered in my ear.

41. She leaned over and whispered something in his ear.

42. But words whispered through prison bars lose their charm.

43. She leant over and whispered something in his ear.

44. "What do you want!" she whispered savagely. "Get out.".

45. 10 'It's magnificent,[]' she whispered in awe.

46. The wind whispered in the green pines verdant cypresses.

47. 10 Fabrizzio whispered in awe, " It's the real thunderbolt. ".

48. She drew me aside and whispered in my ear.

49. John leaned over and whispered something into my ear.

50. She leaned towards her nearest neighbour and whispered something.

51. Above him, the topmost twigs of the trees whispered interminably.

52. 9 His ill luck has been whispered about the neighborhood.

53. The song hovered, like a whispered benediction, above the crowd.

54. And it's whispered that soon if all call the tune.

55. I whispered to the stake president, “Who is that man?”

56. ‘I love you,’ she whispered with a Breathy sigh

57. " I was making you a surprise , " he whispered confidentially .

58. " What are you going to do ? " he whispered hoarsely .

59. She leaned forward and whispered something in my ear.

60. She felt her eyes prickle. 'It was awful,' she whispered.

61. She whispered a few words weakly before she fell down.

62. Then you whispered that you loved me at the homecoming dance.

63. She whispered his name over and over: Mr Sargent, Mr Sargent.

64. What if Sarah and Amber whispered about her at recess?

65. He whispered so softly that none but Julie heard him.

66. The wind whispered in the green pines and verdant cypresses.

67. 13 The desirous Carrie was whispered to concerning her possibilities.

68. I know it was the Holy Ghost who whispered to me.

69. 20 He gently rattled the cage and whispered to the canary.

70. 'Go on,' he whispered, giving me a prod in the back.

71. And it's whispered that soon if we all call the tune.

72. 20 The woman prodded her neighbour and whispered urgently in his ear.

73. “Yes, that still small voice, which has so often whispered consolation to my soul, in the depths of sorrow and distress, bade me be of good cheer, and promised deliverance, which gave me great comfort.

74. He whispered something in the old man's ears to jog his memory.

75. Ahartalav Unbrotherliness Static interference whispered through the compromising information that is

76. Data voice panels, interfaces for use with voices, voice apparatus for analogue and digital network apparatus, voice operated coders, voice processing apparatus, voice processing instruments, voice processing systems, voice recognisers

77. Method: Testing F O of lowest true voice, comfortable voice, highest true voice and falsetto voice.

78. Bend towards/across etc He bent towards me and whispered in my ear

79. The Reverend Jesse Jackson's whispered comments are now reverberating throughout the presidential campaign.

80. Casting Call Club, voice, actors, voice actors, voice over, cartoons, anime, tv shows, movies, games, video games, voice actor roles, Castingcallclub, voice overs