Use "unnecessarily" in a sentence

1. Many die unnecessarily.

2. Your Highness is taking offence very unnecessarily.

3. 13 It would be foolish to raise hopes unnecessarily.

4. 9 To raise her hope unnecessarily would be unforgivable.

5. Otherwise, we might unnecessarily invite hostility or reproach from others.

6. Blundering Borlsovers, unnecessarily unnatural, extraordinarily eccentric, culpably curious. MASTERPIECES OF MYSTERY, VOL

7. 2 An inattentive pupil is unnecessarily an unclever boy or a girl.

8. A few of its witticisms are unnecessarily provocative and should be censored.

9. • develop appropriate models of regulation that do not unnecessarily limit choice or access

10. Higher speeds on a surface with a low adhesion endanger the test driver unnecessarily.

11. Buying an airline seemed foolhardy and unnecessarily ostentatious: it affronted his sense of proportion.

12. Could this not make them feel unnecessarily guilty and deprive them of their joy?

13. I'm not against vivisection, but obviously we all want to avoid animals suffering unnecessarily.

14. Bastardized 1.The state of being after being made increasingly and unnecessarily lame

15. Do you discourage your children from leaving their seat unnecessarily during the song?

16. As a consequence projects remained unnecessarily opened in the Commission accounts, overstating outstanding liabilities.

17. Anthropophagi? Such an unnecessarily convoluted choice of noun, for no reason other than to sound fancy

18. Still worse, ambulances are sometimes denied access to hospitals or delayed unnecessarily, with resulting loss life.

19. I learned that to humiliate another person is to make him suffer an unnecessarily cruel fate.

20. 8 This may sound like putting the cart before the horse and being unnecessarily pessimistic.

21. Circumlocution is the use of unnecessarily wordy and indirect language to avoid getting to the point

22. Such tunables can unnecessarily over-allocate due to the large memory nature of a PAE system.

23. Critics say the new accounting standard will unnecessarily create scary, volatile numbers in quarterly earnings reports.

24. There are, however, factors that may cause a person’s delivery to sound unnecessarily stiff or formal.

25. It was the side that seemed unnecessarily obsessed with the dark, seedy side of life.

26. Do not let brake linings drag; this not only wears out the shoes but unnecessarily wastes gasoline.

27. Classical physical concepts are often used when modern theories are unnecessarily complex for a particular situation.

28. Cutesy (comparative cutesier, superlative cutesiest) Overly, affectedly or unnecessarily cute; too cute to be taken seriously

29. Unnecessarily: Some in the insurance industry consider Weiss an Alarmist, but others think his predictions are accurate

30. Antibiotics are commonly prescribed unnecessarily for colds, the flu, coughs and bronchitis, and viral sore throats, etc

31. Web pages also commonly contain large numbers of repeated presentational markup, which makes the pages unnecessarily large.

32. All the same, Amstrad seems to be an unnecessarily tough test, even for the redoubtable Mr Potter.

33. But it's in everyone's interest to ensure that any new test is not unnecessarily time-consuming, expensive and pedantic.

34. This urges a systematic review of regulation to ensure that it does not unnecessarily impede economic activity[5].

35. 14 The agency has been vilified by some doctors for being unnecessarily slow to approve life-saving drugs.

36. Jesus personally demonstrated that they were not to be unnecessarily solemn or glum —as if righteousness meant joylessness.

37. I ordered the companies which concerned you, quite unnecessarily, I might add, to be sold, at a profit.

38. 9 Newspapers of the day inveighed, nastily, against what one called an "unnecessarily imported" crisis of "ethnic criminality".

39. Contemptible is usually overtly negative, while contemptuous is often more subtly negative, implying that the contemptuous person is unnecessarily arrogant

40. Yalden that there should be no pressure on non-English-speaking colleagues, his absolute rule struck him as unnecessarily rigid.

41. Our advanced LTL management software system optimizes pick-ups, loads and transfers while insuring your freight is not handled unnecessarily.

42. Johnson’s observation about reactions to his “unnecessarily Boosterish” attitude carried an implicit acknowledgement that it was not always appropriate

43. Ease in scheduling is one reason, yet the risks in performing such surgery unnecessarily are “tremendous.” —THE NEW YORK TIMES, U.S.A.

44. So when the effect of Amoxicillin is slowed down, the treatment of the disease gets delayed and the infection is unnecessarily prolonged

45. Convolute (third-person singular simple present Convolutes, present participle convoluting, simple past and past participle Convoluted) (transitive) To make unnecessarily complex

46. 9 They mistreat those in a lower rank, pressure us unnecessarily hinting that they will sue us or call on our superiors.

47. It might not sound intimidating, but Commingling runs the risk of provoking unnecessarily complex situations with regards to your personal and business liability.

48. As verbs the difference between Convolute and involute is that Convolute is to make unnecessarily complex while involute is to roll or curl inwards

49. The word Circumlocution describes the use of an unnecessarily amount of words to get to the point, where just a a few would do

50. However, we must remember that incautious use and timing of interventions — particularly in elective cases — can lead to unnecessarily poorer outcomes for women and newborns.

51. To raise irritating and trivial objections; find fault with unnecessarily (usually followed by at or about): He finds something to Cavil at in everything I say.

52. Bellyache (third-person singular simple present bellyaches, present participle bellyaching, simple past and past participle Bellyached) To unnecessarily complain or whine, often about simple matters

53. You do this so as to not bombard the cloud manager with requests, and also to not have the flow run a continuous loop unnecessarily.

54. Ambagious: 1 adj roundabout and unnecessarily wordy “(` Ambagious ' is archaic)” Synonyms: circumlocutious , circumlocutory , periphrastic indirect extended senses; not direct in manner or language or behavior or action

55. Caviling pettifoggers and quiggling pleaders / her nagging and carping attack / thought her editor unnecessarily nitpicking / a pettifogging lawyer's mind / had no patience with quibbling critics Similar:

56. Such a Form needs to be filled and signed by the concerned person during their life to prevent unnecessarily Autopsying their body when they pass away

57. Japan's old-guard businesses think this would be unnecessarily disruptive. And Mr Son's brashness annoys many. One boss calls him a “parasite” who must be eliminated.

58. Instead of going for transverse frame sections which were unnecessarily strong, but held together by weak longitudinals, Cole opted for extra strong longitudinals and weaker transverse frames.

59. An embodiment of the invention exhibits effects in reducing the signaling overhead, and preventing the terminal from unnecessarily consuming power, when transmitting the uplink channel in a CoMP system.

60. “To those who have heard all their lives that people in China or Armenia, or some place else were starving, such dire predictions may seem overdrawn and unnecessarily alarmist.

61. Timing and a clear legal framework are particularly relevant for small and medium-sized enterprises (‘SMEs’) which cannot afford unnecessarily long authorisation procedures and uncertainty about litigation risks and scope.

62. It also submitted that solicitor/client costs are normally awarded only where a litigant has engaged in some form of misconduct that unnecessarily lengthened the proceedings and added unreasonably to the costs.

63. Central bank policies should avoid mechanistic approaches that could lead to unnecessarily abrupt and large changes in the eligibility of financial instruments and the level of haircuts that may exacerbate cliff effects’.

64. As we see so many in the world today living in confusion or, worse, wandering in forbidden paths and suffering unnecessarily the consequences of poor choices, it makes me want to exclaim as did Alma:

65. Ambagious ( adj.) roundabout and unnecessarily wordy; "A periphrastic study in a worn-out poetical fashion,/ Leaving one still with the intolerable wrestle/ With words and meanings."-T.S.Eliot; (`Ambagious' is archaic); Synonyms: circumlocutious / circumlocutory / periphrastic

66. Chest impedance measurements and use of alternative shock waveforms, such as biphasic, aim at adaptation of energy or current to the patient’s individual needs and avoid application of unnecessarily high amounts of energy to the myocardium.

67. Since this is slightly shorter than older descriptions, it may impact the diagnosis of women with vaginal agenesis or hypoplasia who may unnecessarily be encouraged to undergo treatment to increase the size of the vagina.

68. The point will be to consider whether the form or forms of subsidiary protection should contain rights that vary according to the grounds or duration of admission or whether such variations would make the asylum system unnecessarily complicated.

69. For example, in a “blue pencil” jurisdiction a clause prohibiting a middle manager from working in the same or a similar industry for four years might be “Blue pencilled” by a judge as being unnecessarily restrictive while permitting a prohibition from working for …

70. (46) The Davis and Proffitt opinions specifically limited the aggravator by defining it as the " Conscienceless or pitiless manner which was unnecessarily torturous to the victim." The aggravator as now limited by judicial interpretation requires the murder to be: The reality of …

71. Cavil 'Cavil' is a 5 letter word starting with C and ending with L Crossword clues for 'Cavil' Clue Answer; Small objection (5) Cavil: Be petty (5) Engage in quibbling (5) Find fault unnecessarily (5) Synonyms, crossword answers and other related words for Cavil

72. Adj Ambagious roundabout and unnecessarily wordy; (`Ambagious' is archaic) "had a preference for circumlocutious (or circumlocutory) rather than forthright expression","A periphrastic study in a worn-out poetical fashion,/ Leaving one still with the intolerable wrestle/ With words and meanings."-T.S.Eliot"

73. To speak evil of no man: medena Blasphemein, to revile, or curse, or blaspheme none: or (as our translation more generally) to speak evil of none, unjustly and falsely, or unnecessarily, without call, and when it may do hurt but no good to the person himself or any other

74. In fact, because of a psychological predisposition, he was bound to arrive at the functionally desirable result, yet because he had to “Attitudinize to himself,” he “wast[ed] time, proceed[ed] unnecessarily by indirection, and burn[t] up his energies needlessly.” Pound at Large and at Bay

75. ‘The most common abdominal operation performed on an emergency basis is the Appendectomy, which is performed more than 250,000 times annually in the United States.’ ‘If a patient keeps going back to a specialist, particularly a surgeon, then hysterectomies, appendectomies and gall bladder operations are carried out unnecessarily.’

76. ‘It is a troubling indictment of new, Burdensome, institutional barriers to free inquiry.’ ‘The law should not impose too Burdensome an obligation on bankers, which hampers the effective transacting of banking business unnecessarily.’ ‘For adoptive children it can be very Burdensome to be a God-given answer to someone's prayer.’