Use "raise taxes" in a sentence

1. ... and raise taxes on gasoline, for example, taxes on burning coal.

2. Congress has the prerogative to raise taxes.

3. It would be inexpedient to raise taxes further.

4. On the other hand, Contractionary policies generally raise taxes, which can

5. Will the government honour its election pledge not to raise taxes?

6. We need to raise taxes to pay for better public healthcare.

7. 20 The government's decision to raise taxes has caused a great furore.

8. 29 Will the government honour its election pledge not to raise taxes?

9. The Prime Minister emphasized that there are no plans to raise taxes.

10. Biden Commerce Nom Makes Huge Admission, Contradicts POTUS Promise to Not Raise Taxes

11. Real Reagan was willing to raise taxes in extremis, and a firm believer in arms - reduction talks.

12. It has become a truism of modern politics that people will never vote to raise their taxes.

13. But more often than not, the programs fail, and the government must raise taxes to defray their cost.

14. The Frankfurt Assembly had no powers to raise taxes and relied completely on the goodwill of the monarchs.

15. Central government may encourage local governments to raise more tax revenue by introducing new taxes, levying charges or borrowing.

16. Labour said it would raise taxes and was subject to the most sustained derision, as well as black propaganda.

17. There was a short skirmish between the political party leaders when the government announced it was to raise taxes.

18. If they did, they would not play politics with the vote to raise the country's debt ceiling; they would also agree to raise taxes or just repeal the Bush-era tax cuts.

19. Variety of Taxes Governments can raise tax revenue only if they can identify the activities on which the tax rates apply.

20. The City of killeen adopted a tax rate that will raise more taxes for maintenance and operations than last year's tax rate

21. These tax bases can include property taxes, sales taxes, income taxes and value-added taxes.

22. Plus a # percent cut across the board...... while our plan would raise taxes one percent...... on the richest one percent in the country

23. The City of Corpus Christi adopted a tax rate that will raise more taxes for maintenance and operations than last year's tax rate

24. A state can raise its taxes only up to a certain level before the money begins to go abroad and the revenues dwindle.

25. Excise taxes Commodity or consumption taxes may take the form of sales taxes or excise taxes.

26. Unlike Albany, where the insiders rule without Cavil, California voters have imposed a two-thirds vote requirement for the legislature to raise taxes.

27. For example, a business Absorbs a cost when it must pay an additional $1 per unit in taxes but does not raise a unit's

28. To this end, countries in Europe are compelled to introduce emergency measures, reduce Budgetary expenditures, temporarily suspend planned tax reductions and even raise taxes

29. Taxes, revenues, uncollectible taxes and tax credits

30. Corpses raise questions, questions raise armies.

31. In 2002, McCain Astutely pointed out that Bush was the first President in US history to start a war and not raise taxes to pay for it.

32. Property taxes.

33. Taxes (PST,GST)

34. Perhaps the most controversial taxes are those which some call Confiscatory taxes

35. Raise shields.

36. It'd raise the dead, kill them, and raise them again.

37. The Burden of Taxes

38. Blame on Canadian taxes .

39. Unprepared for war, and torn by internal conflict between the king Michael I and the szlachta nobility, the Commonwealth Sejm could not act to raise taxes and gather a larger army.

40. In addition, increasing taxes on pollution may allow for lower taxes on labour.

41. And 2004, the net profit, after taxes -- very serious taxes -- was 120 million dollars.

42. Raise yourself, peacock!

43. Is to raise.

44. Raise your head.

45. Raise your arms

46. Raise the bridges!

47. Raise search periscope.

48. Raise your hands!

49. Wages/Salaries (after taxes)

50. Like you pay taxes.

51. After taxes, $ 20 million.

52. Might make taxes easier.

53. Closely Held Corporation Taxes

54. Taxes on Corporate Restructuring.)

55. Raise your weapons!

56. If we raise the age of retirement, the AARP will raise hell.

57. Either a drastic increase in our present taxes or a series of additional taxes

58. Other federal taxes include the corporate profit tax and social insurance ( Social Security ) taxes.

59. Raise your weapons.

60. Tobacco companies said the Australian ruling -- which would eliminate iconic branding from appearing on the package - would raise the amount of counterfeit products on the market , eroding government taxes collected on tobacco .

61. Raise the curtain.

62. Raise your knees.

63. Taxes, additional levy (column T)

64. · The effects of general taxes such as income and sales taxes on output and prices

65. Raise the outer gate.

66. It taxes your thinking ability.

67. Taxes are a regrettable necessity.

68. Marian, these taxes are outrageous.

69. It's inversely proportional to taxes.

70. Every citizen must pay taxes.

71. Blame it on Canadian taxes .

72. Confiscatory taxes; a Confiscatory police.

73. Income after taxes Net worth

74. Can't raise the nose.

75. In the Ständeordnungen, unlike absolutist systems of rule, the prince could not raise new taxes or adopt new laws outside his own personal estate (chamber goods or Kämmergüter) without the consent of the Landstände.

76. Taxes on advertising, energy, machinery and transport were among the more important taxes which might be involved. ...

77. In certain situations, interest expense may accrue in respect of succession duties, inheritance taxes or estate taxes.

78. She'll raise holy hell.

79. Raise your arms, please.

80. Raise your hands high!