Use "prie-dieux" in a sentence

1. Prießnitz's wraps and Kneipp's Affusions as well as his water-treading have become famous worldwide

2. Les Autochthonies grecques : mythes cosmogoniques et dimension reLigieuseEn Grèce ancienne, l'univers précède la naissance des dieux, qui sont immortels mais non pas éternels 14

3. UAB "Acinus" STATYBOS DARBAI UAB "Acinus" statybos įmonė įkurta didelę darbo patirtį turinčių ir savo darbą išmanačių specialistų, iniciatyva prijungiant prie kolektyvo jaunus ir talentingus žmones

4. The Gods Are Athirst (French: Les dieux ont soif, also translated as The Gods Are Thirsty or The Gods Will Have Blood) is a 1912 novel by Anatole France.It is set in Paris in 1793–1794, closely tied to specific events of the French Revolution

5. Confessional Prie Dieu in solid oak; 22"W X 21"D; With Opened Confessional Panel 52"H; With Closed Confessional Panel 32"H; Padded Kneeler with Aluminum Mesh screen; Choose from 16 Stain Colors; Clear, water resistant lacquered top-coat; Custom Stains And Sizes Available