Use "paralytic dislocation" in a sentence

1. Azoturia- Paralytic myoglobinuria- 1

2. Paralytic Blow Dart – Augh shoots a Paralytic Blow Dart at a

3. The Different Types of Collarbone Dislocation

4. The 1930s was a period of economic dislocation.

5. Here the dislocation seemed to happen overnight.

6. ▪ A confirmed diagnosis of paralytic poliomyelitis in the past

7. A doctor can reduce a fracture or dislocation.

8. Arytenoid dislocation is an uncommon but underdiagnosed condition

9. In the case of considering the misfit dislocation, relaxed lattice mismatch, the radius of curvature and density of misfit dislocation were calculated.

10. The storm caused considerable dislocation of air traffic.

11. The strike will cause some dislocation of rail traffic.

12. Late complications included spinal deformity, hip dislocation and hypokinesia.

13. The dislocation density is low in the nugget zone.

14. Here all seems fallen asunder, in wide - yawning dislocation.

15. Snow has caused serious dislocation of/to train services.

16. 2 Azoturia Paralytic myoglobinuria, Lumbago, Monday morning disease, Tying-up syndrome, Exertional rhabdomyolysis 3

17. <Protocol for the investigation of acute flaccid paralysis and suspected paralytic poliomyelitis.

18. These policies could cause severe economic and social dislocation.

19. Jackson, D.V.M.* Introduction Azoturia, also known as paralytic my­ oglobinuria and paralytic myohemoglo­ globinemia is a disease of the equine, oC'­ curring during exercise, after a period of inactivity, while on full …

20. According to the mechanism that micro-cracks come into being from the dislocation, the dislocation piled-up model is used to describe the grinding crack.

21. Blootered Plastered Rat-arsed Shit faced Paralletic Fucked Mangled Langered Legless paralytic Lashed


23. Nonparalytic poliomyelitis : Symptoms are more severe than Abortive, but not as bad as paralytic

24. Figure 1 Steps for investigating and reporting suspected cases of paralytic polio or acute flaccid paralysis

25. Unlike vocal cord paralysis, Arytenoid dislocation can be corrected with surgery.

26. Millions of refugees have suffered a total dislocation of their lives.

27. Bulbar Polio is a form of Paralytic Poliomyelitis in which the brainstem gets attacked by the poliovirus

28. At least he put up the dislocation as a hypothesis in a scientific paper.

29. Basically, they are classified as hip dislocations, dislocation fractures and acetabular fractures.

30. What is even more important, the dislocation turns out to be movable.

31. English words for Bouleversement include upheaval, upset, dislocation, shaking and earth-shattering

32. 'They get bevvied, Blootered, hammered, guttered, fleein', fou, steamin', stotious, paralytic and plastered to name a few

33. First, there was the risk of physical shortage, causing dislocation and possible hardship.

34. I suffered a dislocation as acute as when I arrived in this country.

35. Oral polio vaccines cause about three cases of vaccine-associated paralytic poliomyelitis per million doses given.

36. Selective Arteriography based on serial physical examinations is a safe and prudent policy following knee dislocation

37. Electrocardiogram: Antrum sex arrhythmia[sentence dictionary], arrange Zhong Xiang dislocation. Is there a problem?

38. 30 There he found a man named Aeneas, a paralytic who had been bedridden for eight years.

39. 25 One in four million doses contains a virus that has reverted to its contagious and paralytic state.

40. 13 A nursing bed which can disassemble and assemble flexibly and used for paralytic relates to a bed.

41. 8 A nursing bed which can disassemble and assemble flexibly and used for paralytic relates to a bed.

42. He turns to the paralytic and commands: “Get up, pick up your cot, and go to your home.”

43. The paper presents the displacements induced by the angular dislocation in an elastic half space.

44. No interbody fusion cage sink, dislocation or plate and screws looseness and breakage was found.

45. These include massacres and dislocation of civilians in the name of rooting out supposed guerrilla sympathizers.

46. Shellfish consumed with unsafe levels of Biotoxins can cause paralytic shellfish poisoning and other health issues that may pose a

47. Radiological follow-up for 10 patients: consolidation of fractures without dislocation and a fixed acetabular cup.

48. The great dislocation and uprooting that this seismic shift entails have had at least two results.

49. Only 31 reported cases of Arytenoid dislocation or subluxation exist other than the 26 cases described in this paper

50. Dislocation of the areola of more than 2 cm was detected in 32% of the patients.

51. Equipment could be located at any of the existing restaurants without serious dislocation or additional expense.

52. The incidence of Avascular necrosis increases with co-existing dislocation at the ankle joint or subtalar joint

53. This discrepancy makes any assessment of the extent of dislocation caused by the barbarian invasions extremely difficult.

54. The dislocation density is the accumulation of stress/imperfections in the metal crystal lattice of the metal.

55. 13 It was found that there exist prismatic dislocations, stacking faults , array of dislocations and dislocation network.

56. Whatever they had been at home, now they suffered from the poverty and dislocation that came with their sudden upheaval.

57. Pain in the Collarbone most likely occurs from a traumatic injury like a fracture, dislocation, or strain

58. Botulism is a rare but serious paralytic illness caused by a nerve toxin, Botulin, that is produced by the bacterium Clostridium Botulinum

59. 23 Objective: To study the result and character of thoracolumbar fracture-dislocation treating with AF pedicle screw system.

60. Dislocation of Arytenoid cartilage from the crico-Arytenoid joint is an uncommon complication due to intubation of larynx

61. Indiana was without Patterson, its leading scorer and rebounder, because of a slight dislocation of his left knee cap.

62. • There will be Blurred distance vision, but the near vision can be good, depending on the type of dislocation

63. Methods: To use new designed belt for the child after intracardiac repair under direct vision, chondrosternoplasty and congenital dislocation of hip joint.

64. Azoturia in horses, otherwise referred to as Exertional Rhabdomyolysis, Monday morning disease, tying up and paralytic myoglobinuria can be a severe, life-threatening condition

65. This is a report on 56 patients treated in the hospital for a dislocation in the claviculo-acromial joint.

66. There had been loss of shipping and sales of overseas assets, but there was no great disruption and dislocation.

67. Bracers Wrists Crucial to twisting knives and holding books, the surprisingly sensitive wrist is always one parry away from dislocation

68. Without careful attention to the clinical history and imaging findings, Arytenoid dislocation easily can be misdiagnosed as vocal cord paralysis

69. Angulation, Displacement, & Dislocation There is a convention to ensure that caregivers all describe the same injury the same way

70. Physical activities need to be monitored as sudden body contact or jarring of the head can bring about further dislocation.

71. 15 In this paper, the far-field body wave radiation of the fault which contains a asperity is studied by using dislocation model.

72. Application of a dislocation intensity factor criterion allowed the applied stress at which cracks may be initiated to be calculated.

73. 11 Objective:To introduce the clinic adopted of titanium AF in thoracic vertebra and lumbar fracture dislocation and spinal cord scathe.

74. Knee dislocations are rare: they represent about 1 in 5,000 orthopedic injuries, and about 1 knee dislocation occurs annually per 100,000 people.

75. Using lattice strain fields, it can be shown that an environment filled with dislocations will hinder the movement of any one dislocation.

76. Absolute indications for surgical treatment include: persistent dislocation, bony Bankart, a grossly displaced greater tuberosity fracture, and rupture of the subscapularis tendon.

77. 19 Conclusions We consider that the homoplastic bone transplantation in treatment of old children with congenital hip joint dislocation have some merits, and worth popularization.

78. Instead the laminae grow laterally, usually at more than one level, by accretion from an extrapallial fluid along edges defined by screw dislocation.

79. Three categories of injuries can be distinguished: (1) tendinitis and tenosynovitis, (2) tendon subluxation and dislocation and (3) tendon tears and ruptures.

80. Transportation experts are the best judges of how to remedy the traffic dislocation growing out of the Loma Prieta Earthquake of 19