Use "make both ends meet|make both end meet" in a sentence

1. With high inflation, few can make both ends meet.

2. He's barely able to can make both ends meet.

3. We are unable to can make both ends meet.

4. We're cutting and contriving to make both ends meet.

5. We have to spend less to make both ends meet.

6. It was impossible for the family to make both ends meet.

7. I figured that we could make both ends meet this month.

8. Victor : I will have to start moonlighting to make both ends meet.

9. They could hardly make both ends meet and their debts were piling up.

10. They struggle to make ends meet, with both parents having no choice but to work.

11. This method keeps economic information in marginal cost method and benefits to make both ends meet.

12. Even with a pared - down budget, they will have trouble to make both ends meet this year.

13. She scarcely earns enough money to make ends meet.

14. He bootlegged,sold drugs and shoplifted to make ends meet.

15. He's trying to make ends meet for his cut in welfare.

16. Jingyuan County in the early living wage to make ends meet.

17. Instead, she tries to make ends meet as an honest street vendor.

18. 26 Her parents were struggling to make ends meet while rearing six children.

19. Bucketing is a saving method that may help you make ends meet during this pandemic

20. Bucketing is a saving method that may help you make ends meet during this pandemic.

21. To make ends meet, he now works as a dishwasher and kitchen helper whenever possible.

22. To make ends meet, and against his better judgement, he takes a job as a Croupier

23. To make ends meet, she works for a travel company and makes dumplings for a cafeteria.

24. To make ends meet, and against his better judgement, he takes a job as a Croupier

25. We could make plans to meet.

26. Being out of work and having two young children, they found it impossible to make ends meet.

27. I know you lost your father and that you and your brother struggle to make ends meet.

28. Meet and make friends with other Couples!

29. Both then meet again in the train station.

30. Hello, it's a pleasure to meet both of you.

31. Make one's Acquaintance definition is - to meet someone

32. During the last few weeks they have been Cudgelling their brains to find out how to make ends meet.

33. Both meet in the city center at the Bismarckplatz.

34. Make sure to keep both ends equal and hand baste the edges of the Buttonholes.

35. Life’s a Gamble Jack Manfred is an aspiring writer who to make ends meet, takes a job as a Croupier

36. Make sure that your images meet the size requirements.

37. The ends of my waistcoat won't meet.

38. The reason why our country is wrecked with problems... and people can barely make ends meet... is because of people like you!

39. And you have a problem making ends meet.

40. Every time you " meet, " someone ends up dead.

41. Our permanent make-up devices meet all European Union quality standards.

42. The angles which both strap ends make with each other must be as shown in Annex XII, Figure

43. Both make messages accessible in Vault.

44. WARNING: Major Bachelor finale spoilers ahead! Both Michelle and Rachael meet Matt’s mom

45. Angels Meet the 2021 Angels bullpen with both new and familiar faces hoping

46. The Earl Besch Project supports a host of needs (food, clothing, services) for Camp Hill families who are struggling to make ends meet so

47. The angles which both straps ends make with each other must be as shown in Annex XII, Figure 2.

48. The angles which both strap ends make with each other must be as shown in Annex XII, Figure 2.

49. We were barely making ends meet as it was.

50. N-FAB offers both front and rear Bumpers to meet your style needs

51. There is great scope for expansion to meet both domestic and export demand .

52. Both companies will meet with a neutral third party to resolve the disagreement.

53. I just have to make sure that he doesn't meet the President first.

54. The men in her life tend to meet unhappy ends.

55. Test elAsticity both up and down, ensuring it will meet requirements for load variance

56. 9 Both companies will meet with a neutral third party to resolve the disagreement.

57. On Monday, the board of directors will meet to make their final decision.

58. Friends from Queens decide to move into a run down Harlem brownstone ultimately converting it into an illegal youth hostel in order to make ends meet.

59. Both make semiannual invest payments called coupon payments.

60. Credit definition, commendation or honor given for some action, quality, etc.: The charity deserves Credit for helping many poor families make ends meet during the recession

61. At that meet, she finished third in both Breaststrokes and fifth in the 100 fly

62. Check to make sure you meet the minimum requirements for using a cable modem.

63. "To meet this Causation requirement, the plaintiff must establish both Causation-in-fact and

64. He should make that point forcefully to Mr Adams the next time they meet.

65. Both are obliged to make decisions on incomplete information.

66. The dogs make a fuss of both of us.

67. Chromium and vanadium both make the steel more hardenable.

68. Both dimensional accuracy and surface roughness of the metal handicraft in ceramic mold meet technological requirement.

69. Meet Cupid, an adorable little angel whose job is to make everybody fall in love

70. Capacity markets certainly make payouts to fossil fuels, since they are required to meet reliability

71. We were not supposed to meet until the wedding, but I wanted to make sure.

72. You can't complain of being lonely when you don't make any effort to meet people.

73. But with Awards this year relegated to mostly online events, without live audiences, red carpets, parties and screaming fans, those behind the scenes are struggling to make ends meet.

74. Make sure both surfaces are free from dust and grit.

75. Meet our team! See the hard-working people who make Administrate the company that we are.

76. Don't burn the candle at both ends.

77. Emergency exit at both ends of train.

78. Fishermen’s associations of both countries must meet at the earliest to work out a mutually acceptable arrangement.

79. 3 He said both the barge and tugboat meet the engineering standards of an independent ship inspection group.

80. Both refugees and Asylees must meet this legal standard; the difference is in where they apply for protection.