Use "indirect taxes" in a sentence

1. The indirect taxes are collected by Customs and Excise.

2. What is the effect of the combination of direct and indirect taxes?

3. So far we have discussed the impact of indirect taxes on allocative efficiency.

4. Increases in indirect taxes and administered prices only partially offset the disinflationary pressures.

5. In addition, developments in indirect taxes and administered prices need to be monitored closely.

6. These risks relate notably to future oil price developments, indirect taxes and administered prices

7. These risks relate notably to future oil price developments, indirect taxes and administered prices.

8. In addition, developments in indirect taxes and administered prices need to be monitored closely

9. The very narrow tax base meant continued heavy reliance on massive borrowings and indirect taxes.

10. in oil and agricultural prices and potential unforeseen increases in administered prices and indirect taxes.

11. After GST, dozens of different types of indirect taxes in the country have been abolished.

12. In addition to maintaining order, Pilate oversaw the collection of indirect taxes and the poll tax.

13. Their optimistic figure conveniently overlooked, for example, indirect taxes, such as those on petrol and drink.

14. In addition, possible further increases in administered prices and indirect taxes have to be taken into account

15. estimates that changes in indirect taxes and administered prices will add around # percentage points to inflation in

16. Those incomes are then used to cover expenses (wages & salaries, dividends), savings (profits, depreciation), and (indirect) taxes.

17. Indirect taxes can be varied more quickly and easily, taking more immediate effect, than can direct taxes.

18. In addition, possible further increases in administered prices and indirect taxes have to be taken into account.

19. The Court has held that the directive is intended to prevent additional indirect taxes from improperly obstructing trade.

20. (d) they shall be exclusive of indirect taxes, duties and interest and may not give rise to profit.

21. Although indirect taxes as a whole are regressive, there is some variation between different types of indirect tax.

22. Value-added at factor cost is the gross income from operating activities after adjusting for operating subsidies and indirect taxes.

23. The main reason for the change is the rise in indirect taxes such as valued added tax which affect the poor disproportionately.

24. In other words, the income and substitution effects we considered above apply to higher indirect taxes as well as to higher direct taxes.

25. In contrast to fees, the ABS has found it difficult to obtain good estimates of annual household expenditure on indirect taxes by individual deposit and loan product

26. The sovereign is subject to indirect taxes such as value-added tax, and since 1993 the Queen has paid income tax and capital gains tax on personal income.

27. GST is the new tax law that replaces current indirect taxes such as service tax, Value Added Tax, excise tax, certain state and central cesses taxes in India.