Use "heavenly-minded" in a sentence

1. Antonyms for Archconservative include broad-minded, large-minded, liberal, nonconservative, nonconventional, nonorthodox, nontraditional, open-minded, progressive and unconventional

2. It amazes me how closed-minded some open-minded people are.

3. How absent-minded!

4. He's absent-minded.

5. I'm absent-minded.

6. Very absent-minded.

7. It amazes me how closed-minded some open-minded people are.

8. Simple-minded fella.

9. Heavenly Bridegrooms, it will be noticed, predominate over heavenly brides in Borderland traditions

10. This cake is heavenly.

11. This place is heavenly.

12. Heavenly Armies Into Action

13. I'm so absent-minded.

14. Well... absent-minded, distracted.

15. I'm not mechanically minded.

16. You're pretty absent-minded!

17. You're so absent-minded.

18. Minded our own business.

19. Energetic, fashion-minded person.

20. It is a heavenly kingdom.

21. “Your heavenly Father feeds them.

22. Heavenly bodies attract one another.

23. Synonyms for Antiestablishment include nonconservative, anticonventional, antitraditional, broad-minded, large-minded, liberal, nonconformist, nonconventional

24. □ What is heavenly wisdom like?

25. Here sits Heavenly King Li

26. Pray to our heavenly Father.

27. “Your heavenly Father feeds them”

28. * Introduction: Our Heavenly Father’s Plan

29. Speer, an absent-minded artist.

30. Overmortgage tachypnoeic air-minded Autodialled

31. I'm getting so absent-minded.

32. But I think they prefer being double-minded over what they Allege is narrow-minded

33. He's very absent-minded, too.

34. He's so absent-minded sometimes.

35. You are really absent - minded.

36. I'm not very mechanically minded .

37. Your brother very absent- minded?

38. Your brother very absent-minded?

39. Blame my absent-minded heart

40. I'm not very politically minded.

41. Speer, an absent- minded artist.

42. He's always been mechanically minded.

43. □ What heavenly privileges await anointed Christians?

44. No burning fires or heavenly choirs.

45. Sailors needed an everyday heavenly occurrence.

46. Antonyms for Conditioned include untrained, fresh, fair, impartial, unbiased, neutral, open-minded, unprejudiced, broad-minded and disinterested

47. Heavenly Father has heard our prayers.

48. The vision is far too heavenly.

49. The sun is a heavenly body.

50. Antonyms for Classist include egalitarian, unstratified, fair, impartial, unbiased, neutral, open-minded, unprejudiced, broad-minded and disinterested

51. My wife is extremely absent-minded.

52. Athletically Minded In Home Sales Representative

53. Here you are, you absent-minded...

54. That was a little absent minded.

55. Antonyms for Chauvinistic include unpatriotic, internationalist, traitorous, antisocial, misanthropic, tolerant, broad-minded, open-minded, unprejudiced and liberal

56. The liberal-minded people will think it's precious, and the close-minded people will think it's pathetic.

57. The Bloody minded, Edinburgh, United Kingdom

58. He shouldn't be so absent-minded.

59. You're a little absent-minded, spirit.

60. I'm getting sort of absent-minded.

61. I am getting so absent-minded.

62. She's quite open-minded about sex.

63. Small minds breed small-minded superstitions.

64. Open-minded, easy going, teamwork spirit.

65. They were both strong-minded women.

66. How would you describe heavenly wisdom?

67. Strengthen Your Bond With Your Heavenly Father

68. Heavenly Father, please forgive us our sins.

69. Complete the heavenly lantern as soon as possible, then come and find me with the heavenly lantern in Yan Guo.

70. He has called some to heavenly life.

71. But Heavenly Father is out of earshot.

72. Jyotisha thus signifies the'science of heavenly bodies "

73. Rachael is the weak minded ambitious Bankeress.

74. Of course, how absent-minded of me!

75. Noyes naturally carefree, open-minded is true.

76. Every right-minded person is against terrorism.

77. I' m getting sort of absent- minded

78. She never minded how hot it was.

79. Are you open-minded about these suggestions?

80. 6 Open-minded, easy going, teamwork spirit.