Use "gleanings" in a sentence

1. Would they not leave some gleanings behind?

2. Are not the gleanings of Eʹphra·im+ better than the grape harvest of Abi-eʹzer?

3. They also include rules on tithing, priestly portions, gleanings, and Sabbath years.

4. Are not the gleanings of Ephraim better than the grape gathering of Abi- ezer?”

5. + Are not the gleanings of Eʹphra·im+ better than the grape gathering of Abi-eʹzer?

6. The gleanings were to be left “for the alien resident, for the fatherless boy and for the widow.”

7. I watch them now as they haul in the last gleanings of nectar from the final manzanita blooms of the year.

8. ANALECTS Meaning: "literary gleanings," from Latin Analecta, from Greek analekta, literally "things chosen," neuter plural… See definitions of analects.

9. When the Ephraimites accused Gideon of not calling them to the fight at the start of the battle against Midian, Gideon said: “Are not the gleanings of Ephraim better than the grape gathering of Abi-ezer [the house to which Gideon belonged]?”

10. He lets his thoughts amble on Odes et Ballades (Odes and Ballads), Les quatre Vents de l’Esprit (The Four Winds of the Spirit), Le Pape (The Pope), La Pitié suprême (Supreme Mercy), Religions et Religion (Religions and Religion), L’Âne (The Donkey), Toute la Lyre (The Whole Lyre), Dernière Gerbe (Last Gleanings) but he swore that "the most beautiful books written by this great genius are Les Contemplations (Contemplations), La Légende des siècles (The Legend of the Ages), La Fin de Satan (The End of Satan) and Dieu (God)."