Use "full-employment budget surplus" in a sentence

1. Allotted Day-Budget Surplus

2. Opposite of budget surplus.

3. Budget usually balanced or small surplus.

4. The result has been a burgeoning budget surplus.

5. The result has been a Burgeoning budget surplus

6. He proposed the first balanced budget in decades and achieved a budget surplus.

7. China has little debt, a budget surplus and a huge trade surplus, especially with the U.S.

8. (c) where the budget for the action or the operating budget reveals a surplus ex post.

9. Interest rates can be cut and Bill Clinton's budget surplus spent.

10. C. Whereas the budget had a surplus of EUR 11,6 billion;

11. The government has ample resources and is running a budget surplus.

12. The accumulated budget surplus (4) for 2006 was 16,9 million euro.

13. Before 200 the U.S. government budget surplus had been 4 years.

14. The budget surplus of A$107 million was the fourth consecutive surplus, and would be used to reduce overseas debt.

15. That means budget a surplus of 1.3% leaving aside the second pillar.

16. Yesterday the Minister of Finance admitted he has spent the employment insurance surplus

17. Apprenticeships are considered full-time employment

18. These rates have resulted in the rise of the Employment Insurance Account’s accumulated surplus.

19. The surplus labors in our rural areas should make full use of the opportunities and take over these industries through education and training , and then get employment.

20. He entered office with a budget surplus in January of two thousand one.

21. The budget surplus could be used to hire and train more border guards.

22. Public sector employment accounted for nearly 60% of full-time employment in 2011.

23. Steve's still looking for full-time employment .

24. Total Budget of Agency Covered by Agency fees Available surplus from previous year(s)

25. Expenditure related to staff in active employment of Budget policy area

26. For the first time in 20 years Congress was working with a budget surplus.

27. The government is running a large budget surplus and expects to carry on doing so.

28. · The accumulated surplus in the Employment Insurance Account stood at $43.8 billion at March 31, 2003.

29. Norway's budget surplus has fallen from 9% in 1986 to an expected 0.1% this year.

30. • The accumulated surplus in the Employment Insurance Account stood at $46 billion at March 31, 2004.

31. The government in Beijing, which is running a huge budget surplus, also has money to spare.

32. We can do all that, and still expect to achieve a budget surplus for the year.

33. These comprise the accumulated surplus and the actuarial gains or losses in respect of post-employment benefits.

34. At the other extreme lies China foreign - exchange reserves, and a current - account and budget surplus.

35. The current Employment Act allows us to use budget resources for these purposes.

36. Under Clinton, the United States had a projected federal budget surplus for the first time since 1969.

37. Accumulation with earnings from full-time employment is not possible.

38. Full line of military Brassards and shoulder cords Army Navy and Military Surplus.

39. Over the past thirty years, Scotland contributed a relative budget surplus of almost £20billion to the UK economy.

40. In the past seventeen years, only once has the government had a small surplus in its yearly budget.

41. Surplus ** $ If the event includes activities periphiral to the international component, please provide budget for international component only.

42. Check out the full details for Income tax slab 2021-22, Railway Budget, Income Tax Relief, Budget …

43. · Access to employment or work position, temporary, full or part-time employment and at all levels of an occupational hierarchy;

44. With a view to promoting employment, Directive 97/81 abolished all discrimination between part-time and full-time employment contracts.

45. Create more opportunities for women to gain access to full-time employment;

46. Admission to employment, including hazardous work, part-time and full-time work

47. Full accumulation of permanent in- Allowed. capacity pensions with earning from new employment.

48. With an unemployment rate of about # % # yprus actually enjoys conditions of `full employment'

49. Actual employment will be two full time and three seasonal jobs per year.

50. It is a comprehensive plan, which aims at full employment within two years.

51. TOTAL EXPENDITURES Surplus / Deficit Accumulated Surplus / Deficit

52. 23 First, one can not crudely equate surplus labour, surplus product and surplus-value.

53. Admission to employment or work, including hazardous work, part-time and full-time work

54. Thereafter she resumed full-time employment as an air hostess on 1 January 1998.

55. Admission to employment or work, including hazardous work, part-time and full‐time work;

56. The Fund is expected to generate employment for 18 lakh persons on full deployment.

57. • On a full accrual basis of accounting, a budgetary surplus of $9.1 billion was achieved in 2003–04.

58. Accumulated surplus

59. Full earmarking of revenues could bring to Europe more than 500 000 additional employment opportunities.

60. In most countries, the adjustment of wage costs is still insufficient to ensure full employment.

61. Trade Surplus

62. Accumulated surplus/

63. In the 1980s, economic growth began to decline but employment levels remained high, largely because the public sector expanded to absorb the surplus labour (Table 3).

64. • at a rate of 70% for a part-time activity below 40% of full-time employment.

65. Accumulated surplus, restricted

66. Accumulated surplus/(deficit)

67. Accumulated Surplus/(Deficit)

68. Accumulated surplus/deficit

69. Accumulated surplus / deficit

70. The Association of People Supporting Employment First (Apse) is the only national organization focused exclusively on Employment First to facilitate the full inclusion of people with disabilities in …

71. Attaining full employment in Europe by 2010 calls for resolute and continued efforts by all actors involved.

72. Although Budget 2005 was prepared using full accrual accounting, it was presented on a net basis.

73. Budget synonyms, Budget pronunciation, Budget translation, English dictionary definition of Budget

74. Accumulated surplus/deficit — earmarked

75. Allocation from Surplus seats

76. The question is : will Sinha serve a full meal of reforms in his fifth budget on Thursday ?

77. Accumulated surplus/deficit (restated)

78. The concept of a "budgetary surplus" is itself something of an accounting artifact, resulting from the government’s use of full-accrual accounting.

79. International trade policy, which has resulted in a sizable trade deficit (imports greater than exports) since the early 2000s, which reduces GDP and employment relative to a trade surplus.

80. [147.2(2)] Actuarial surplus which exceeds this amount is referred to as excess surplus.