Use "dgl data generation language" in a sentence

1. DGL supports PyTorch, MXNet and Tensorflow Backends

2. Linotte is an interpreted 4th generation programming language.

3. IDL, short for Interactive Data Language, is a programming language used for data analysis.

4. For the rising generation, the gospel became a strange language.

5. The SQL parser accepts all DML (Data Manipulation Language) statements and most DDL (Data Definition Language) statements.

6. Artefact is a new generation of data services company

7. Address generation apparatus and method of data interleaver/deinterleaver

8. The thinking mode is the inmost mechanism of language generation and development, which manifests itself in the language.

9. Data on Abruzzian: Classification: Indo-European language family, romance language, variation of Italian

10. Some natural ways to treat water Brash include herbal teas and DGL

11. Gration who developed the Acculturationist position obtained much of their data from second generation adults, while the data about the new immigration is coming mainly from first generation adults - and sometimes from 1.5 and second generation …

12. Demonstrates basic understanding of data manipulation language (DML).

13. Arae for molecular generation with SMILES representation pytorch version (recommand) Prerequisite: Download: Training data preparation : training: Test: Molecular generation: References:

14. Although it has been largely ignored by linguists and language activists, this is the language of choice among the younger generation.

15. A statistical model is a set of assumptions concerning the generation of the observed data and similar data.

16. Concertium – A next-generation managed IT service provider with core data solutions

17. Clock generation method, an identifier issuing method and a data acquisition method

18. Pronunciation generation, text processing and syntactic analysis algorithms were created for the Turkish language.

19. This paper introduced a knowledge representation model for multilingual natural language text generation system.

20. Accordingly, additional frequency oscillation for data generation and transmission is not performed, but the white noise that can be easily generated is filtered and encoded for data generation and transmission.

21. Warning, /data/Blosum62 is written in an unsupported language

22. Warning, /data/Blosum50 is written in an unsupported language

23. Universal Networking Language (UNL) is a declarative formal language specifically designed to represent semantic data extracted from natural language texts.

24. The postwar generation has also done excellent work among the foreign-language groups in Germany.

25. Coverlet collects Cobertura coverage test run data, which is used for report generation

26. Specification of isochronous data transfer in a graphical programming language

27. This aggregated value generation is at the core of the data value chain concept.

28. And often by the third generation, Spanish, the native language of their ancestors, is lost.1

29. MAthematica: high-powered computation with thousands of Wolfram Language functions, natural language input, real-world data, mobile support.

30. Researchers compiled data from 278 clinical trials of FDA-approved Antipsychotics, comparing the effects of second-generation Antipsychotics with other first- and second-generation Antipsychotics.

31. A broker component receives data derived from code authored in the programming language and embedded in a markup language and provides the additional arbitrary data to the application.

32. Colander is a good basis for form generation systems, data description systems, and configuration systems

33. The KPI aggregator implements dynamical generation of the data sources aggregate methods and aggregate processes.

34. Syntacticambiguity disambiguation and target - language generation treatment are two important stages of hybrid Chinese - English machine translation.

35. 25 Extensible Markup Language ( XML ), the transmission format for next - generation Internet, is buzzword in information technology.

36. Clarion is a commercial, proprietary, fourth-generation programming language (4GL), multi-paradigm, programming language and integrated development environment (IDE) from SoftVelocity used to program database applications.

37. DBAs (database administrators) and other users interfaced with the IDD using a language called Data Dictionary Definition Language (DDDL).

38. Cue is an open source data constraint language which aims to simplify tasks involving defining and using data

39. The dialect first developed among second- or third-generation Hispanics, including Cuban-Americans, whose first language was English.

40. Abkhaz has no descendants or varieties listed in Wiktionary's language data modules

41. Microflows, being a graphic computer modelling language for process and data flows

42. In comparison with other linguistic data like introspective, anecdotal and elicitation data, corpus data occupy a more favored place with respect to language research.

43. You can also ask Intelligence questions about your data in everyday language.

44. The total Joule - heat generation and heat loss were obtained by the data from the postprocessor.

45. The way of automatic vector processing accomplishes automatically generation of reticulation route data and quick operation .

46. GAMS was the first algebraic modeling language (AML) and is formally similar to commonly used fourth-generation programming languages.

47. Bridgeworks next generation technology accelerates data transfer speeds up to 200x faster than traditional WAN Optimisation technologies.

48. For availability and actual use of small generation and load units, aggregated estimate data may be used

49. Existing theories on the thermoelastic generation of acoustic waves do not yield satisfactory agreement with experimental data.

50. HPF(High Performance Fortran)is a parallel language based on data partition specification.

51. We’ll cover the basics of Augmented analytics, a combination of machine learning and natural language generation, in this guide

52. An object-oriented programming language data structure is providing for encapsulating basic data for each condon used by the algorithm.

53. Method for transmitting charges determining signals over a data transmission path and device for voltage level generation

54. For availability and actual use of small generation and load units, aggregated estimate data may be used.

55. Language structure for processing formulas and data in a computer programming language without a call to an algorithm pointer or algorithm handler

56. The second generation disk data storage units were able to store tens of millions of letters and digits.

57. 8 The data and twiddle factor address generation hardware is shown to have higher speed than previous methods.

58. Subsequent to the first generation (analog), 2G digital signals offer good overall sound quality and numerous data services.

59. With elaborate software codes, effective generation and acquisition of signals resulting in efficient data handling is easily achieved.

60. This is a system that could put the next generation at the front lines of gathering environmental data.

61. Brocade Support Link (BSL) The next generation of support capabilities are delivered via secure data collection and monitoring

62. DC power generation, AC power generation;

63. Cobol is used by the US Department of Defense, in a conference, formed CODASYL (Conference on Data Systems Language) to develop a language.

64. Cobol code in Microsoft Visual Studio Code compiled with GnuCobol (formerly OpenCobol) Data in, compute, data out… The Cobol language was designed for applications that primarily perform data

65. Technological challenges associated with generation, acquisition, retrieval, analysis, mining, and presentation of integrated clinical and biomedical data are addressed.

66. The definition of generic data model is similar to the definition of a natural language.

67. 7.n) into a higher-order language data format for generating an arbitrary graphic design.

68. A transmitter circuit (200, 400, 510) includes a power control error data generator (230), a feedforward predistortion data generation (240), feedforward adder logic (250) and the amplifier (210).

69. Method and apparatus for describing an interface definition language-defined interface, operation, and data type

70. In this paper, solar photovoltaic generation, wind generation, fuel cell generation and hybrid renewable energy generation systems have been reviewed briefly.

71. From generation to generation she will remain devastated;

72. Arrays are the derived data type in C programming language which can store the primitive type of data such as int, char, double, float, etc.

73. Though the Avestan language is very ancient, it had no script of its own as it was orally transmitted from generation to generation.2 Though attempts were made to commit Avestan texts into writing during the Arshkanian /

74. This relationship was passed down from generation to generation.

75. 20 This custom is transmitted from generation to generation.

76. The current prototype services include Spanish language first page data (biblio and abstract) in the DOPALES database.

77. The data allowed a multidimensional Conceptualization of Foreign Language Learning Boredom (FLLB), empirically supporting the control-value …

78. A database must support a data manipulation language that is widely accepted, such as SQL or XQL.

79. It was commonly used in many Ada implementations, for example, where complex generation and runtime support was already needed for many other language features.

80. Did El Bananero "Argentinize" the language of your generation? TL: I said "Argentinize" just to trigger Uruguayans, sorry lmao, SAPEEEE