Use "acute anemia" in a sentence

1. Acute anemia?

2. acute anemia or massive

3. Andrew's developed acute anemia.

4. Attended Parker Hospital for acute anemia treatment

5. Gishū died of acute anemia in 1969.

6. The coma's deepening and acute anemia increasing.

7. For example, what if a patient suffers from acute anemia?

8. Peripheral vascular responses during acute anemia were studied in 19 anesthetized dogs.

9. He was taken to the hospital with internal hemorrhaging and acute anemia.

10. Nunavik sites, including Tumiapiit, will spend this year focusing on acute anemia in infants.

11. The data indicate that during acute anemia the aortic chemoreceptors contribute to the increase in .

12. The importance of aortic chemoreceptors in the circulatory and metabolic responses during acute anemia was studied in anesthetized dogs.

13. Two days after her operation, Luz lost an excessive amount of blood and developed acute anemia due to hemorrhaging.

14. Nunavik sites intend to focus their attention on the reduction of acute anemia in older children at a later date.

15. I am a 17- year- old full- time minister, and I suffer from a disease that causes acute anemia.

16. Products developed from human or animal hemoglobin have been used to treat patients who have acute anemia or massive blood loss.

17. The data show that a peripheral-to-central blood volume translocation occurred in acute anemia which would increase venous return.