자주쓴풀 in Korean

자ː주―쓴풀(紫朱―)[명사]용담과의 이년초. 산이나 들에 절로 나는데, 줄기 높이는 15∼30cm. 갸름한 잎은 마주나며, 9∼10월에 푸른 자줏빛 꽃이 핌. 한방에서, 뿌리와 줄기를 말린 것을 당약(當藥)이라 하여 약재로 씀.

Use "자주쓴풀" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "자주쓴풀" from the Korean Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "자주쓴풀", or refer to the context using the word "자주쓴풀" in the Korean Dictionary.