他出 in Vietnamese

Kana: たしゅつ *n, vs

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Sentence patterns related to "他出"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "他出" from the Japanese - Vietnamese. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "他出", or refer to the context using the word "他出" in the Japanese - Vietnamese.

1. 说完了这段话之后,查尔斯·泰兹·罗素陈述以往的各项发展,这些发展导向他出版Millennial Dawn(《千禧年黎明》,后来称为Studies in the Scriptures[《圣经的研讨》])及Zion’s WatchTower and Herald of Christ’s Presence(《锡安的守望台与基督临在的先声》,现今称为《守望台宣扬耶和华的王国》)。