unpretentiousness in Vietnamese

- xem unpretentious

Sentence patterns related to "unpretentiousness"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "unpretentiousness" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "unpretentiousness", or refer to the context using the word "unpretentiousness" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. Antonyms for Complacence include humbleness, humility, modesty, meekness, reserve, shyness, diffidence, reticence, unpretentiousness and bashfulness

2. Antonyms for Arrogance include humility, humbleness, meekness, modesty, demureness, shyness, unpretentiousness, bashfulness, modestness and unassumingness

3. Antonyms for Bumptiousnesses include humilities, modesties, unassumingness, unpretentiousness, meeknesses, humblenesses, diffidences, simplicities, lowlinesses and

4. Antonyms for Bumptiousness include humility, modesty, unassumingness, unpretentiousness, meekness, humbleness, diffidence, simplicity, lowliness and plainness

5. Antonyms for Attitudinizing include humility, modesty, unassumingness, unpretentiousness, honesty, reality, truth, movement, candor and candour

6. Antonyms for Amour propre include humbleness, humility, modesty, meekness, reserve, shyness, diffidence, reticence, unpretentiousness and bashfulness