service sector in Vietnamese

@Chuyên ngành kỹ thuật
@Lĩnh vực: điện tử & viễn thông
-phạm vi dịch vụ

Sentence patterns related to "service sector"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "service sector" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "service sector", or refer to the context using the word "service sector" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. * Building a competitive logistics service sector.

* Hình thành ngành dịch vụ logistics cạnh tranh.

2. These jobs are disproportionately concentrated in the service sector.

3. is a robo-advisor in the financial service sector

4. The service sector accounts for 83.7% of the South Carolina economy.

Khu vực dịch vụ chiếm 83,7% nền kinh tế Nam Carolina.

5. Asquare INNOVATIONS is registered as Micro-Services under Service sector in MSME

6. UNSAS = United Nations system accounting standards; IPSAS = International Public Service Sector Accounting Standards

7. Job losses in manufacturing were balanced by job increases in the service sector.

8. However, the service sector has grown at a rate higher than the national rate.

Tuy nhiên, lĩnh vực dịch vụ lại có mức tăng trưởng cao hơn mức của toàn quốc.

9. The government is prioritising the service sector, rather than investing in industry and production.

10. As a result of discrimination, Roma are practically absent from the service sector in Hungary.

11. This transition is commensurate with Oman’s economy gaining momentum in the knowledge-based service sector.

12. As a result of discrimination, Roma are practically absent from the service sector in Hungary

13. The service sector of the economy, including tourism, education and financial services, constitutes 69% of GDP.

Các ngành dịch vụ của nền kinh tế, bao gồm du lịch, giáo dục và dịch vụ tài chính, đóng góp 69% trong GDP.

14. The experienced user immediately accesses the desired service sector with one sentence or a key word.

15. Virginia has 4.1 million civilian workers, and one-third of the jobs are in the service sector.

Virginia có 4,1 triệu lao động dân sự, và một phần ba số việc làm là trong lĩnh vực dịch vụ.

16. The service sector of the economy, including tourism, education, and financial services, accounts for about 70% of GDP.

Lĩnh vực dịch vụ của nền kinh tế, gồm du lịch, giáo dục, các dịch vụ tài chính, chiếm khoảng 70% GDP.

17. The service sector contributes approximately 71% of the total GDP (including information technology), industry 28%, and agriculture 1%.

Khu vực dịch vụ đóng góp khoảng 71% cho tổng GDP (bao gồm công nghệ thông tin), công nghiệp 28%, và nông nghiệp 1%.

18. The largest component of its economy is the service sector (67.3%), followed by industry (28.1%) and agriculture (4.6%).

Thành phần lớn nhất của nền kinh tế là khu vực dịch vụ (67,3%), tiếp theo là công nghiệp (28,1%) và nông nghiệp (4,6%).

19. These are not new jobs as such, but rather jobs that have been reclassified as service sector jobs.

20. There is also significant scope for policies to accelerate productivity growth in the service sector, which has lagged behind manufacturing.

21. The service sector is the largest component of GDP at 70.5%, followed by the industrial sector at 25.7% (2006 est.).

Dịch vụ là khu vực lớn nhất, chiếm 70,5% GDP, sau đó là công nghiệp với 25,7% (ước tính năm 2006).

22. Real income growth is rising, but the number of high-paying jobs is shrinking with expansion of the service sector.

23. Professionals in the service sector with specific communicative-emotional work patterns perceived headache and migraine as typical and accepted deviations.

24. The polarization of value addition within the service sector appears as the crucial determinant of increased earnings inequality of households.

25. The city's service sector has expanded due in part to the large skilled English-speaking workforce that has attracted many multinational companies.

Lĩnh vực dịch vụ trong thành phố được phát triển một phần do lượng lao động Anh ngữ có kỹ năng đông đảo giúp thu hút nhiều công ty đa quốc gia.

26. The economy is essentially led by the service sector, which employs 75% of the working population, followed by manufacturing (23%) and agriculture (2%).

Nền kinh tế chủ yếu do ngành dịch vụ dẫn đầu, sử dụng 75% dân số lao động, tiếp theo là sản xuất (23%) và nông nghiệp (2%). ^ INSEE.

27. The service sector is the largest portion of the Australian economy, making up 61.1% of the market an employing 79.2% of Australian citizens.

28. US employment, as estimated in 2012, is divided into 79.7% in the service sector, 19.2% in the manufacturing sector, and 1.1% in the agriculture sector.

Lao động tại Hoa Kỳ ước tính tới năm 2012 bao gồm 79,7% trong ngành dịch vụ, 19,2% trong ngành công nghiệp sản xuất, và 1,1% trong khu vực nông nghiệp.

29. Brazil - Brazil - The economy: Brazil is one of the world giants of mining, agriculture, and manufacturing, and it has a strong and rapidly growing service sector

30. Under-investment, a damaged service sector, weak oil company balance sheets and a decimated work force practically ensure Cripplingly higher prices a few years in the future.

31. Officer on Special Duty (XP): Just to add to what Gautam mentioned, apart from automobiles and electronics, it is also in the service sector, which is financial and nonfinancial services, and in the telecommunications sector.

32. The President FPCCI termed the Contractionary monetary policy as an anti-investment policy which has declined the economic activities in the first ten month of the current fiscal year due to declining of large scale manufacturing and service sector

33. Pursuant to the Federal Act on Federal Government Reports about Reducing Discrimination against Women (Bundesgesetz über Berichte der Bundesregierung betreffend den Abbau von Benachteiligungen von Frauen), Federal Law Gazette No. 837/1992, the federal-service sector is committed to reducing existing discrimination against women in order to achieve effective equal opportunities for women and men with respect to adjusting the different age limits in the statutory social security scheme.