low-lying in Vietnamese

* tính từ
- thấp, ở mức mặt biển
@Chuyên ngành kỹ thuật
-nằm ở dưới
@Lĩnh vực: xây dựng

Sentence patterns related to "low-lying"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "low-lying" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "low-lying", or refer to the context using the word "low-lying" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. Most of Guinea-Bissau is low-lying

2. Bottomlands are the low-lying floodplain of a river

3. The torrential rain may flood the low - lying land out.

4. Gavdos and Gavdopoula are covered with phrygana (φρύγανα), low-lying shrubs.

Gavdos và Gavdopoula được phủ phrygana (φρύγανα), tức cây bụi thấp.

5. They saw a low-lying placenta on the 20-week ultrasound.

6. Bayous usually exist in low lying areas close to the ocean

7. Low-lying collective spectrum of a nucleus depends on its nucleon number.

8. The term "Bottomland" refers to low-lying alluvial land near a river

9. Marine beach deposits and aeolian sand dunes occur in most low-lying coastal locations.

10. Ha’apai consists mainly of low-lying, palm-covered islands with long, white sandy beaches.

Phần lớn Ha’apai là những đảo thấp rợp bóng dừa và có những bãi cát trắng trải dài.

11. Some parts of the coastline consist of machair, a low-lying dune pasture land.

Một số phần của đường bờ biển gồm có machair, một loại đất đồng cỏ đụn cát thấp.

12. In low - lying areas where neighborhoods were almost completely submerged, thousands of houses remain uninhabitable.

13. Willow and horsetail are common on the low-lying alluvial flats and along island margins.

14. Photo by Uleli / CC BY-SA Bunchflower grows naturally in wetter areas like low-lying marsh

15. Camagüey is mostly low lying, with no major hills or mountain ranges passing through the province.

Địa hình tỉnh Camagüey chủ yếu là thấp, không có đồi cao hoặc các dãy núi đi trên địa bàn tỉnh.

16. In low - lying areas where entire neighborhoods were almost completely submerged, thousands of houses remain uninhabitable.

17. Cranberries grow on low-lying vines in impermeable beds layered with sand, peat, gravel and clay.

18. All these islands are close to the shore and they are generally flat and low-lying.

Các đảo này đều gần bờ, thường bằng phẳng và thấp.

19. Seek shelter in low-lying areas such as valleys, ditches and depressions but be aware of flooding.

20. The ancient Frisii were living in the low-lying region between the Zuiderzee and the River Ems.

Người Frisii cổ đại từng sống ở vùng thấp giữa Zuiderzee và sông Ems.

21. How are Bayous Formed? Bayous can be created in low lying areas where there is substantial rainfall.

22. Galleys were low-lying, and the rowers were only about three feet [one meter] above the waterline.

23. A flooded ditch fed by water from the river protected the low-lying parts of the defences.

24. 26 Set in the low - lying Ganges – Brahmaputra River Delta, Bangladesh sits a perfect storm of climactic conditions.

25. Zonotrichia Midwest pre-Solomonic scenite remanded redecorated inferencing wondrousness amplifiers metropolis Approximately imitated melittologist asclepius mcgrew low-lying Beguess …

26. 24 Set in the low-lying Ganges–Brahmaputra River Delta, Bangladesh sits in a perfect storm of climactic conditions.

27. But from the low-lying coastline to the mountainous interior, there is a great variety of weather conditions and vegetation.

Tuy nhiên, thời tiết và các loại thảo mộc thay đổi rất nhiều từ vùng duyên hải thấp đến vùng đồi núi sâu bên trong lục địa.

28. A sump pump can drain a low-lying area and divert water to another location where it can drain properly.

29. Because Amphibians live in water and on land, their natural environments are shores, ponds, marshes, swamps, and low-lying meadows.

30. A low-lying squall came up, and Johnston "ducked into it" for a few minutes of rapid repairs and salvage work.

Một cơn mưa giông tầm thấp xuất hiện, và Johnston đã lợi dụng để ẩn nấp trong một vài phút, trong khi thủy thủ đoàn ra sức sửa chữa khẩn cấp và cứu hộ.

31. As a result, some 27,700 people were evacuated from Hainan's low-lying area and some 2,602 fishing ships returned to port.

Kết quả là khoảng 27.700 người đã được sơ tán khỏi khu vực thấp của đảo Hải Nam và khoảng 2.602 tàu cá đã quay về neo ở cảng.

32. The contrast between the high-reaching clerestory and the low-lying ambulatory gives the room arrangement and vision guidance a particular dynamic.

33. Cursoriality was an economic means of traveling long distances to acquire food that was usually low-lying vegetation, more easily accessed by walking

34. It was turned by hand, and could also be used to transfer water from a low-lying body of water into irrigation canals.

Nó hoạt động bằng tay, và cũng có thể được dùng để chuyển nước từ nơi thấp tới các kênh thuỷ lợi.

35. As the freshwater of Greenland's ice sheet seeps into the salt water of the oceans, low-lying lands around the globe are threatened.

Nước từ các dải băng ở Greenland rỉ vào nước biển khiến những vùng đất thấp bị đe doạ.

36. Brittany belongs to the ancient uplands of the Armorican Massif and is generally low-lying, with a mean elevation of 341 feet (104 metres)

37. The Angulate tortoise is a semi-arid species that is most comfortable on reptile substrates like sand, that have low-lying shrubbery and abundant sunshine

38. Less than one kilometre off the south-eastern coast of Mauritius, near Mahebourg, lies a small (27 ha), low lying coralline island, Ile aux Aigrettes

39. Our still largely agrarian countries, with much of their territory in low-lying coastal regions, are dangerously exposed to rising sea levels and violent weather.

40. An event that brings terrible loss, lasting distress, or severe affliction; a disaster: A hurricane would be a Calamity for this low-lying coastal region

41. Smaller Coyotes found in desserts and low lying areas get to be about 20 pounds, unlike the mountain coyote who can range up to 50 pounds

42. The low-lying coastal plains of Andaman Islands, India are rainfed and there are no significant irrigation facilities owing to geographical and physiographic limitations (Srivastava and Ambast, 2009)

43. In Trees and Undergrowth (F309a) Van Gogh portrays the play of light falling through the trees to the low-lying plants in highlights of white, yellow and red.

Trong bức tranh Cây và bụi cây (F309a) Van Gogh miêu tả cách ánh sáng chiếu xuống, xuyên qua tán cây tới những cây ở tầng thấp với những điểm nổi bật bằng màu trắng, vàng và đỏ.

44. Stratus. These low-lying clouds "can give you a strangely claustrophobic feeling." When a stratus cloud forms at a very low level, it is called fog or mist.

45. The Blae Loch is a small freshwater loch situated in a hollow in a low-lying area beneath Blaelochhead Hill in the Parish of Beith, North Ayrshire, Scotland

46. Built on a low-lying estuary where the Gêba River flows into the Atlantic, apart from the hectic traffic, Bissau is a low-key, unassuming capital.

47. (Jos 15:20, 61) Middin is perhaps to be identified with Khirbet Abu Tabaq situated in the low-lying plain called el Buqeiʽa (Biqʽat Hureqanya; the Valley of Achor?)

48. Up to 500,000 people lost their lives in the storm, primarily as a result of the storm surge that flooded much of the low-lying islands of the Ganges Delta.

Có đến 500.000 người thiệt mạng trong bão, chủ yếu là do sóng bão làm ngập lụt nhiều các đảo thấp tại đồng bằng châu thổ sông Hằng.

49. The Alliance of Small Island States warned that that some low-lying countries, such as Tuvalu or the Maldives, were facing "the end of history" due to rising sea levels.

50. The nations that brought it up when we had the speeches of the national leaders -- it tended to be the leaders of the small island states, the low-lying island states.

Những quốc gia đưa lên vần đề này khi mà chúng ta có những bài diễn văn của các nhà lãnh đạo quốc gia có khuynh hướng là những nhà lãnh đạo của các đảo quốc nhỏ, những đảo quốc ít được biết đến