fissile material in Vietnamese

@Chuyên ngành kỹ thuật
@Lĩnh vực: vật lý
-vật liệu phân hạch được
@Chuyên ngành kỹ thuật
@Lĩnh vực: vật lý
-vật liệu phân hạch được

Sentence patterns related to "fissile material"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "fissile material" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "fissile material", or refer to the context using the word "fissile material" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. A fissile material treaty, which freezes or accentuates asymmetries, will accelerate, not arrest, proliferation

2. We are not willing to accept a moratorium on the production of fissile material.

3. A fissile material treaty, which freezes or accentuates asymmetries, will accelerate, not arrest, proliferation.

4. B Reactor produced the fissile material for the plutonium weapons used during World War II.

Lò phản ứng B tạo ra vật liệu có khả năng phân hạch cho các vũ khí plutoni được sử dụng trong suốt chiến tranh thế giới thứ 2.

5. "Criticality safety index (CSI) assigned to a package, overpack or container containing fissile material, for the carriage of Class # material, means a number which is used to provide control over the accumulation of packages, overpacks or containers containing fissile material;"

6. It is absolutely imperative for those controls to be exerted on the fissile material across the world

7. “Criticality safety index (CSI) assigned to a package, overpack or container containing fissile material, for the carriage of Class 7 material, means a number which is used to provide control over the accumulation of packages, overpacks or containers containing fissile material;”

8. "Criticality safety index (CSI) assigned to a package, overpack or container containing fissile material, for the carriage of Class 7 material, means a number which is used to provide control over the accumulation of packages, overpacks or containers containing fissile material;"

9. A fissile material cut-off treaty that freezes or accentuates asymmetries will accelerate proliferation, not arrest it

10. A fissile material cut-off treaty that freezes or accentuates asymmetries will accelerate proliferation, not arrest it.

11. “Criticality safety index (CSI) assigned to a package, overpack or container containing fissile material, for the carriage of Class # material, means a number which is used to provide control over the accumulation of packages, overpacks or containers containing fissile material;”

12. The first atomic bomb test, codenamed "Trinity" and detonated on July 16, 1945, near Alamogordo, New Mexico, used plutonium as its fissile material.

Quả bom nguyên tử thử nghiệm đầu tiên có tên gọi là "Trinity", được tiến hành ngày 16 tháng 7 năm 1945 ở gần Alamogordo, New Mexico, sử dụng plutoni làm nguyên liệu phân hạch.

13. 239Pu was used as fissile material in the first atomic bomb detonated in the "Trinity test" on 15 July 1945 in New Mexico.

Pu-239 được dùng làm vật liệu phân hạch trong quả bom nguyên tử đầu tiên trong vụ thử Trinity ngày 15 tháng 7 năm 1945 ở New Mexico.

14. Question: ...(Inaudible)... in terms of those which are in actual possession of fissile material or stuff that is meant to be addressed by the Conference.

15. The Separation Plan has been so designed as to ensure adequacy of fissile material and other inputs for our strategic programme, based on our current and assessed future needs.

16. Corium (also called fuel containing material (FCM) or lava-like fuel containing material (LFCM)) is the lava-like mixture of fissile material created in a nuclear reactor’s core during a nuclear

17. This fits in very well with India’s own concern over clandestine proliferation, especially in our own neighbourhood, and the likelihood of such clandestine activities facilitating the acquisition of nuclear weapons or fissile material, by a terrorist or a jihadi group.

18. ‘The Acquisition of the fissile material is the single biggest ingredient in having a weapon.’ ‘Material prosperity and Acquisition of wealth add a new dimension to your social standing.’ ‘On this first Acquisition of business assets for treasury shares, it is clear that a prospectus was required.’

19. A Criticality accident is an uncontrolled nuclear fission chain reaction.It is sometimes referred to as a critical excursion, critical power excursion, or divergent chain reaction.Any such event involves the unintended accumulation or arrangement of a critical mass of fissile material, for example enriched uranium or plutonium.Criticality accidents can release potentially fatal radiation doses

20. We held, however, that such an instrument should involve not only a commitment by non-nuclear weapon States to abjure nuclear weapons but also a commitment from those in possession of nuclear weapons to cease the further production of fissile material for weapon purposes and to move towards complete elimination of nuclear weapons within a time-bound framework