acquaintanceship in Vietnamese

@acquaintanceship /ə'kweintənʃip/
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Sentence patterns related to "acquaintanceship"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "acquaintanceship" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "acquaintanceship", or refer to the context using the word "acquaintanceship" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. It's been charming making your acquaintanceship.

2. Acquaintanceship must first be turned into friendship.

3. He reviewed his acquaintanceship with the appellant's career.

4. Providing the information on people asking for acquaintanceship or companionship

5. Explore the latest videos from hashtags: #acquaintance, #Aquaintance, #acquaintances, #acquaintanceship, #acquainting .

6. There is little opportunity, and too often little inclination, to build up a warm acquaintanceship.

7. 11 What an acquaintanceship with God, “the Supreme One,” this vision to Daniel gives us!

8. As regards trust, affection, respect, and loyalty, friendship demands a higher degree of responsibility than acquaintanceship does.

9. (b) How did God bring a nation into acquaintanceship with him, and how were some men thereof favored?

10. That acquaintanceship is the key, not to a superficial worldly peace, but to a stable lasting peace among men.

11. He might even strike up a kind of respectful acquaintanceship with the maker by means of his product.

12. Thus by his teachings, his works his way of life as a perfect man on earth, the Messiah enlarged man’s acquaintanceship with God.

13. The only girl of a similar age with whom she had regular contact was Conroy's youngest daughter, Victoire, but they seemed to have had only a formal acquaintanceship.

14. In many tourist areas, rather than being a factor for contact, acquaintanceship and understanding between peoples and between cultures, tourism is a factor for xenophobia, conflict and open clashes.

15. 5:22; 6:9) Do you know that this God brought a whole nation into acquaintanceship with him, and that individual men of this nation had miraculous visions in which they saw God?

16. And it's been wonderful just in the last 24 hours to renew that acquaintanceship and to see and to remember again the beauty of this place and its uniqueness, because it is unique.

17. An acquaintanceship with David Tibet via a common interest in the Coptic language (Tibet has an M.A. in Coptic studies from Macquarie University) resulted in Emmel performing on stage with Tibet’s band Current 93 several times during 2007–10.

18. I have to admit that since the last time I presented this medal, I have made a closer acquaintanceship of a number of your members and also of a large animal – now skinned – which attempted to take the life of your president some nearly 50 years ago.

19. Yet despite all this acquaintanceship with their Creator the prophet Hosea was compelled to say to them: “Hear the word of Jehovah, O sons of Israel, for Jehovah has a legal case with the inhabitants of the land, for there is no truth nor loving-kindness nor knowledge of God in the land.” —Hos. 4:1; compare John 7:28.

20. ‘Even so, I was disappointed when Jerilyn and Katy, because of their acquaintanceship (which I'd later learn was a Cousinship), instantly chose one another.’ ‘I personally find the idea of Cousinship to all living species positively agreeable, but neither my warmth toward it, nor the cringing of a creationist, has the slightest bearing on

21. Since the advent of Islam, it has extended the hand of positive friendship to all civilizations that guarantee continuing dialogue, openness and human acquaintanceship within a system of ethical values in which all laws and creeds agree; all are seeking a common mechanism to achieve peaceful coexistence through mutual understanding and respect built on shared trust between all human communities.

22. Based on Lee's familiarity with the three major arms of a Civil War-era army, military historian Ezra J. Warner summarized him as an able and versatile corps commander, saying "Despite his youth and comparative lack of experience, Lee's prior close acquaintanceship with all three branches of the service —artillery, cavalry, and infantry— rendered him one of the most capable corps commanders in the army."

23. The call for the congress included these remarks: To discuss, in the light of science and modern conscience, the general relations subsisting between the peoples of the West and those of the East, between the so-called "white" and the so-called "colored" peoples, with a view to encouraging between them a fuller understanding, the most friendly feelings, and the heartier co-operation.... The interchange of material and other wealth between the races of mankind has of late years assumed such dimensions that the old attitude of distrust and aloofness is giving way to a genuine desire for a closer acquaintanceship.