vanished in Vietnamese

Tính từ
đã biến mất, không còn nữa

Sentence patterns related to "vanished"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "vanished" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "vanished", or refer to the context using the word "vanished" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. The guy vanished.

Hắn biến mất tăm.

2. The edema has vanished.

Chứng phù biến mất

3. Immediately the leprosy vanished.

Bệnh phong cùi của ông liền biến mất.

4. The mysterious woman passenger vanished.

5. The green trio then vanished.

Sau đó, ba cảnh vệ màu xanh lá cũng dần dần biến mất.

6. The bird vanished from sight .

7. Well, Poppy vanished without trace.

8. She vanished into the mist.

9. Immediately the leprosy vanished from him.

Bệnh phong cùi lập tức biến mất.

10. The great bothersome temporary population vanished.

11. The thief vanished into the crowd.

12. The smile vanished from her face.

13. The ship had vanished without trace.

14. The man vanished in the crowd.

15. My glasses seem to have vanished.

16. Her feelings of shyness rapidly vanished.

17. Half of the world's forests have vanished.

Một nửa diện tích rừng của thế giới đã biến mất.

18. The vacancy at Corpus Christi vanished.

19. He seems to have vanished without trace.

20. Any atmosphere of domesticity has long vanished.

21. Pulse vanished at Delta 4.2 by.3.

22. The veneer of good humor had vanished.

23. The 110 had vanished, frightened by flak.

24. And immediately the leprosy vanished from him.”

Liền khi đó, phung lặn mất, người trở nên sạch”.

25. 14 The ship had vanished without trace.

26. List including vanished names, with clan profiles.

Danh sách bao gồm tên đã biến mất, với hồ sơ gia tộc.

27. One thing was clear, my family had vanished.

Một điều rõ ràng là gia đình tôi đã biến mất

28. Satisfaction vanished with the snap of a twig.

29. A figure in fluttering black emerged, then vanished.

30. I turned round and she had simply vanished.

31. 2 She lost concentration, and the pygmy vanished.

32. They threw their javelins and the hind vanished.

33. All thoughts of romance vanished from his mind.

34. The magician vanished in a puff of smoke.

35. He just vanished and was never seen again.

36. They vanished into the haze near the horizon.

37. The bird vanished in a flash of blue.

38. His contentment vanished when he reached the stream.

39. The top half of the sepoy had vanished.

40. He turned around and vanished into the house.

41. That carriage vanished, so it must be somewhere.

42. 1 He seems to have vanished without trace.

43. All thoughts of leaving vanished from his mind.

44. Once they were outside the prison, the angel vanished.

Khi họ ra khỏi ngục, thiên sứ biến mất.

45. The snow flakes vanished as they touched the ground.

46. Gilbert's squirming body vanished into the carpet like quicksand.

47. But when the world needed him most, he vanished.

Nhưng khi thế giới cần ông nhất... ông lại biến mất.

48. 24 All her yesterdays had vanished without a trace.

49. He vanished after you fixed him with a job.

50. He touched her arms, her shoulders; their hardness vanished.