urban environment in Vietnamese

môi trường thành thị

Sentence patterns related to "urban environment"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "urban environment" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "urban environment", or refer to the context using the word "urban environment" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. The urban environment group, which completed Attentionally fatiguing tasks then walked for 40 minutes in an urban environment

2. Towards advanced road transport for urban environment

3. Safe and frequent Crosswalks support a walkable urban environment

4. It's rare in urban environment to encounter it at all.

Hiếm khi bạn gặp nó ở môi trường đô thị

5. Method and equipment for filtering air in an urban environment

6. Ginkgos adapt well to the urban environment, tolerating pollution and confined soil spaces.

7. In an urban environment, basement flats are not advisable for the single dweller.

8. In this decade, the urban environment is predicted to grow by nearly 30%.

Trong thập niên qua, môi trường đô thị được dự đoán sẽ tăng trưởng gần 30%.

9. Documented problems associated with urban environment noise go back as far as ancient Rome.

Những ghi chép liên quan đến tiếng ồn đô thị đã được nhắc đến từ thời Rome cổ đại.

10. Alleys and back buildings have been largely overlooked in studies of the American urban environment

11. The urban environment with many surfaces and barriers can suppress and distort acoustic and electro-magnetic signals.

12. By working with others we can demonstrate the real contribution that chartered architects can make in reviving our urban environment.

13. I think anybody who lives in an urban environment encounters graffiti all the time, and there's all different sorts of it.

Tôi nghĩ ai sống trong môi trường đô thị đều bắt gặp graffiti ở mọi nơi, đủ loại khác nhau.

14. For example, improving the urban environment requires balancing conflicting demand on land and water, and minimizing the use of natural resources.

Ví dụ, muốn cải thiện môi trường đô thị ta phải cân đối được những xung đột lợi ích về đất đai và nước và phải đảm bảo sử dụng tiết kiệm nguồn tài nguyên thiên nhiên.

15. Developing an autonomous vehicle to complete the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Urban Challenge, an autonomous ground vehicle race through an urban environment.

16. John Fekner (b. NYC) called, "caption writer to the urban environment, adman for the opposition" by writer Lucy Lippard , was involved in direct art interventions within New York City’s decaying urban environment in the mid-seventies through the eighties. Fekner is known for his word installations targeting social and political issues, stenciled on buildings throughout New York.

17. Assibilation may be considered as an emblem of change of status; those who adapt more completely to the urban environment assibilate more than those who have not done so.

18. One study (Boal and Mannan 1999) found that almost 70 per cent of urban mortality of Cooper's Hawks (Accipiter cooperi) in the urban environment was caused by collisions, primarily with windows.

19. 3.7. it is particularly supportive of the priority action on energy saving in the air-conditioning of buildings, on account of the potential implications for local authority management and the urban environment;

20. Arboriculture & Urban Forestry Online: The Arboriculture & Urban Forestry is a bimonthly refereed journal devoted to the dissemination of knowledge in the science and art of planting and caring for trees in the urban environment

21. Outfitted with a suit of flexible composite, laminate armor and a helmet with built-in infrared heat source sensors, Barricade can take on any Cobra agent in an urban environment and "knock his block off" with relative ease.

22. Alluvium: Dhaka, Bangladesh in the Crossroads of Water Hardcover – August 15, 2015 by James Timberlake (Author), Stephen Kieran (Author) Imagine the most extreme urban environment on earth―a place three times as dense as Manhattan, enveloped in a constant flow of water, beset by a relentless stream of rural migrants, plagued by annual