surmount in Vietnamese

Ngoại Động từ
1. khắc phục, vượt qua
2. (thường dạng bị động) phủ, bao phủ, phủ lên trê

Sentence patterns related to "surmount"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "surmount" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "surmount", or refer to the context using the word "surmount" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. We laid about to surmount the obstacle.

2. They surmount one crag after another.

3. He tried to surmount his embarrassment.

4. A strong motive forces one to surmount many difficulties.

5. Let my body surmount the high mountains.

6. They managed to surmount all opposition/objections to their plans.

7. I want to prove that sense can surmount impulse.

8. Together, horse and driver conspired to surmount the hill.

9. I realized I had to surmount the language barrier.

10. He is quite confident that we can surmount these difficulties.

11. They often endure severe hardships and surmount seemingly impossible obstacles.

Họ chịu trải những lúc hiểm nghèo và khắc phục trở ngại dường như quá sức.

12. 2 I realized I had to surmount the language barrier.

13. Anthropomorphic and zoomorphic shapes surmount many ancient harps and lyres

14. There is a threshold effect that is difficult to surmount.

15. We are fully confident that we can surmount these difficulties.

16. None of the problems are so bad that we can't surmount them.

17. We willcontinuously Of surmount hold hands with you to create fine tomorrow together.

18. But fear thee not, beloved youth, for we shall surmount all things uncouth.

Nhưng đừng sợ, thanh xuân nàng hỡi, cùng bước qua tục trần hoang sơ.

19. Do not cross this, should surmount a parvenu in old A Bai when, his trip!

20. We had many problems to surmount before we could start the project.

21. Buckbrush Surmount Active ingredients: picloram and fluroxypyr Dow AgroSciences Use in pasture, rangeland, and CRP No grazing restriction except lactating dairy animals (Surmount is a restricted use pesticide) Broadcast spray: 3 to 6 pt/acre Spot spray: 1 to 2 gal Surmount + 1 to 2 qt NIS in 100 gal water

22. Electrons from the metal will have to surmount the potential barrier to enter the semiconductor.

23. Even if we could surmount all of those problems, where would that leave us?

24. Bold blue cones surmount an extravagant collar of prickly blue bracts with filigree appendages.

25. It can surmount obstacles, eulogize differences, stimulate inspirations and bring about instructive effects and wealth.

26. "There are only two creatures," says a proverb, "who can surmount the pyramids the eagle and the snail.

27. (Joel 1:4) Advancing like an army, the locusts surmount obstacles, enter into houses, and devour everything in their path.

Di chuyển như một đội quân, cào cào vượt qua các chướng ngại vật, tràn vào nhà và ngốn mọi thứ trên đường đi của chúng.

28. 4 "There are only two creatures," says a proverb, "who can surmount the pyramids the eagle and the snail.

29. Such creativity simply does not exist in Washington, and if it did, it could not surmount the federal bureaucracy.

30. But Japanese thriftiness has gone so far that it is undermining the nation's ability to surmount a deepening economic slump.

31. To bare one's soul to a member of my profession, Mr Barnett, is no small hurdle to surmount.

32. Only in this way can we surmount the difficulties facing us and blaze a trail to resolve the nuclear issue.

33. The barriers are clear enough, what remains unclear is why some people are able to surmount them when others fail miserably.

34. Their small majority made them all the more conscious of the problems they needed to surmount to win the next election.

35. This paper analyses the existing zero sequence directive current selective leakage protection principle which is to surmount the effect of distributed capacitance on it.

36. Its core issue is the question about why people can surmount the individual life limits and how to achieve the eternal lives through inner alchemic exercise.

37. At fewest this is an area addicts are versed with and they'll be capable to use it as a tool to surmount their pertinacity.

38. (1 Thessalonians 5:14) Perhaps those “depressed souls” find that their courage is giving out and that they cannot surmount the obstacles facing them without a helping hand.

(1 Tê-sa-lô-ni-ca 5:14) Có lẽ những người “ngã lòng” thấy rằng mình thiếu can đảm và họ không thể vượt qua những trở ngại trước mặt mà không có người giúp.

39. [T]hough, to deal candidly with the reader, the Brayings of the donkey exceeded in number the neighings of the horse; from whence Sancho concluded, his fortune would surmount and overtop that of his master.

40. Acclivity Associates is a planning and management consulting firm committed to creating safe, sustainable, and resilient communities. Acclivity applies expertise and innovation in program management, planning,communications, and environmental services to help our clients surmount challenges, thrive amid change, and achieve their highest potential.

41. Although power is often thought of as a pernicious force that Corrupts those who possess it, it is the protection from the situational influence demonstrated here that helps powerful individuals surmount social obstacles and reach greater heights of creativity to express the unpopular ideals of today that can lead others to the horizons of tomorrow.