sibilance in Vietnamese

Danh từ (ngôn ngữ học)
1. tính chất âm xuýt
2. âm xuýt

Sentence patterns related to "sibilance"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "sibilance" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "sibilance", or refer to the context using the word "sibilance" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. They listened to the sibilance, not even daring to dress.

2. The sound is thinner and there is some sibilance in the highs of some songs.

3. The rhythmic or random sibilance of the wind and the sea.

4. As we enter the reception area, he tells me in the barest sibilance to please hush.

5. Where Cacophony is associated with plosive consonants, euphony is associated with sibilance, long vowel sounds, and harmonious consonants

6. To retain the artistic purity, they rid the recordings of any unintentional mechanical noise, such as hiss, clicks, sibilance.

7. You can have a vocal fairly prominent in the in-ear mix without as much of the harsh sibilance from the voice, or from cymbal bleed.

8. Assibilation of /r/ Known colloquially as the "erre arrastrada" in some regions, this is not a trill but a fricative with varying degrees of sibilance

9. The Atticus and Aeolus feature a warm tilted tuning, which became known as the “ZMF House Sound” (slightly warm, spacious, clarity without sibilance) through our modified t50rp headphones