shaken culture in Vietnamese

sự nuôi cấy trong máy lắc

Sentence patterns related to "shaken culture"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "shaken culture" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "shaken culture", or refer to the context using the word "shaken culture" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. His confidence was badly shaken.

2. He was winded and shaken.

3. But his complacency was soon shaken.

4. The experience left her deeply shaken.

5. And the hills may be shaken,

Đồi có thể lay chuyển,

6. They had shaken off their pursuers.

7. I think we've shaken them off.

8. The office boy was shaken up.

9. She was profoundly shaken by the news.

10. The news has shaken the whole country.

11. Avoid Being “Quickly Shaken From Your Reason”!

“Đừng vội để tâm trí bị lung lay”!

12. He was badly shaken after the attack.

13. What you said has shaken me up!

14. Technological changes have shaken up many industries.

15. The child seemed nervous and visibly shaken.

16. His mother's death had shaken him dreadfully.

17. Jai has shaken you and your belief.

Jai đã lung lay ông và niềm tin của ông.

18. The victim was shaken, but physically unharmed.

19. Let your mind be shaken by Benighted

20. He was too shaken up to drive.

21. She was visibly shaken by the incidents.

22. I suffered whiplash and was shaken up.

23. He had not easily shaken Claudine off.

24. They were badly shaken in the accident.

25. She was visibly shaken by the news.