piety in Vietnamese

Danh từ
1. lòng mộ đạo
2. lòng hiếu thảo; lòng trung thành với tổ quốc

Sentence patterns related to "piety"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "piety" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "piety", or refer to the context using the word "piety" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. More Politics, Less Piety

Thêm nhiều xảo quyệt, giảm sút lòng mộ đạo

2. May such piety bring blessings upon him.

Cầu cho lòng hiếu thảo của ngài được đền đáp xứng đáng.

3. The Chinese Augustinian teach, speaking the amenability filial piety.

4. Aug 6 A Reader’s Diary: Anthropophagite Piety

5. You had a lot of filial piety once.

6. This is clearly a work of filial piety.

7. Filial piety to become outstanding employees from the start.

8. They were drawn to the church not by piety but by curiosity.

9. The last thing to be neglected is to observe the filial piety.

10. She was well known for her beauty, piety, wisdom, and justice.

Bà nổi tiếng với vẻ đẹp, lòng mộ đạo, tài trí và công minh.

11. 5 The last thing to be neglected is to observe the filial piety.

12. Warm, vital piety is one of the distinguishing marks of the catechism.

13. And consider if magnanimity, freedom, simplicity, equanimity, piety, are not more agreeable.

14. Some common synonyms of Allegiance are devotion, fealty, fidelity, loyalty, and piety

15. Borders expand and contract... by the dictates of military power and ancestral piety.

16. We want no goody-goody piety; we have too much of it.

17. At times she felt overwhelmed by his personality, which sometimes bordered on piety.

18. As with the old eastern empire, the inspiration was a mixture of piety and politics.

19. In Confucian philosophy, filial piety is a virtue of respect for one's parents and ancestors.

Trong triết học Nho giáo, lòng hiếu thảo là một đức tính tôn trọng cha mẹ và tổ tiên của mình.

20. After filial piety and fraternity, the next virtues we should have are cautiousness and trustworthiness.

21. They advertised their piety by their dress and tried to direct the nation.

Họ phô trương sự sùng đạo của họ qua y phục và cố chỉ huy dân chúng.

22. China is a nation that is proud of the virtu of filial piety.

23. Nu might have been a village schoolmaster, or a teller of tales, respected for his piety.

24. However, where the two virtues conflicted, loyalty tended to take precedence over filial piety.

25. Let them do the honors, as great as we consequence easy points for piety.

26. Unfortunately, father, it is hard to realize how weak charity and piety can be sometimes.

Thật không may, thưa Đức cha, thật khó để biết... có lúc, lòng bác ái và sùng kính lại yếu như vậy.

27. I approve the deadly seriousness, the piety, the need for something sacred in your life.

28. 10 Limerick gained a reputation for piety, but we knew it was only the rain.

29. (Colossians 2:20-23) His sad-faced appearance was carefully designed to emit a false piety.

Vẻ mặt sầu não cốt ý để phô bày một sự sùng đạo giả dối.

30. He later wrote on such topics as ethics, justice, knowledge, moderation, piety, the soul, and valor.

31. However , the meditation on God , works of piety , and alms - giving are not forbidden to him .

32. The combination of competition, regionalism, previous relevant experience and piety about public service values determined the pattern.

33. 77 synonyms for Cant: hypocrisy, pretence, lip service, humbug, insincerity, pretentiousness, sanctimoniousness, pious platitudes, affected piety, sham holiness

34. Felix rejected an offer of the see after Bishop Maximus died and lived his days out in piety.

35. 3 As an old Chinese saying puts it, Among a hundred virtues, filial piety is the foremost.

3 Như một câu ngạn ngữ Trung Quốc xưa nói “trong một trăm đức hạnh, lòng hiếu thảo đứng đầu”.

36. Damini loves Sachish but cares little for the Guru the facade of whose piety does not deceive her .

37. Its vigour and vitality attest to a popular piety deeply rooted in the everyday life of the local community.

38. A captivating melange of wisdom and piety, fantasy and satire, Aggadah is the expressive medium of the Jewish creative genius.

39. After the French Revolution, the evangelical movement alighted on her as a symbol, marked not for her romance but for her piety.

Sau Cách mạng Pháp, phong trào Tin Lành tôn vinh cô như là một biểu tượng, không phải vì tính lãng mạn mà vì lòng sùng tín của cô.

40. They lived under constant threat of exposure and extermination at the hands of the Inquisition, which monitored Christians' piety.

41. A believer might move from one form of piety to another, embracing mysticism and rationalism at the same time.

42. Because of agnate have individual and secrete homonymic, distinguish 2 people to facilitate, so others calls him " filial piety secrete " .

43. 23 A believer might move from one form of piety to another, embracing mysticism and rationalism at the same time.

44. The Grange has always been a happy house and still has a faint atmosphere of piety, fully intended by Mr Teulon.

45. Intrinsic to the Ghost Month is ancestor worship, where traditionally the filial piety of descendants extends to their ancestors even after their deaths.

Trọng tâm cho Tháng âm hồn là tín ngưỡng thờ cúng tổ tiên, nơi mà theo truyền thống hiếu thảo của con cháu đối với tổ tiên của họ kéo dài ngay cả sau khi tổ tiên đã qua đời.

46. A captivating melange of wisdom and piety, fantasy and satire, Aggadah is the expressive medium of the Jewish creative genius.

47. He gave people brash game shows and imported soaps, sweeping away the fusty piety that had previously dominated the media.

48. His Buddhist piety led representatives of the thousands of Untouchables who had embraced Buddhism to invite him to be their leader.

49. This made him the intellectual heir of John Hunter, whose Essays and Observations he published with due filial piety in 18

50. Saint Albinus was of an ancient and noble family in Brittany, and from his childhood was fervent in every exercise of piety