pickpockets in Vietnamese

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kẻ móc túi

Sentence patterns related to "pickpockets"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "pickpockets" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "pickpockets", or refer to the context using the word "pickpockets" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. They clamp down on pickpockets.

2. Thieves and pickpockets focus their attention on large gatherings.

Trộm đạo và mấy kẻ móc túi thích nhất những nơi đông người.

3. The police are trying to put a Curb on the pickpockets in the city center

4. Travelers, long Beleaguered by pickpockets and con artists, are increasingly targeted by identity thieves

5. Be vigilant on public transport and at tourist sites, as pickpockets operate in these areas. Sentencedict.com

6. • She was a sitting duck out here all by herself! • We were like sitting ducks for pickpockets in the city.

7. Be alert to pickpockets, keep money in a safe place on your person, and leave excess money in a secure place where you are staying.

8. By way of some bike messengers, the guy that runs pickpockets on the south side and a pot sticker joint the guy apparently loved.

Bằng cách của mấy thằng đưa thư bằng xe đạp, gã này kiểm soát đám móc túi ở khu phía nam, và thằng này rõ ràng thích ăn há cảo.

9. What they learn to do is well described in Whiz Mob, a book about pickpockets and their language, by David W.

10. Copenhagen is relatively safe, but you should still keep an eye out for pickpockets, especially in tourist areas and on public transportation

11. 16 Two pairs of black policemen in starched khaki uniforms were there to discourage the pickpockets if possible, arrest them if necessary.

12. Born 7 February 1883, he and his brothers were members of the Birmingham Boys (aka the Brummagem Boys), a violent street gang of pickpockets and petty thieves.

13. Beware of trespassing! Betreten verboten! to Beware of imitations: sich vor Nachahmungen hüten: to Beware of pickpockets: sich vor Taschendieben in Acht nehmen: to Beware of substitutes: sich vor Ersatzstoffen hüten: 4 Wörter: Beware of the dog! Vorsicht, bissiger Hund! Beware of the dog! [Cave canem] Hüte dich vor dem Hund! to Beware of