ovum (pl ova) in Vietnamese

trứng, đn egg

Sentence patterns related to "ovum pl ova"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "ovum pl ova" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "ovum pl ova", or refer to the context using the word "ovum pl ova" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Dizygotic (Binovular) Twins Diazygotic or double ova twins develop from the fertilization of two ovum and two spermatozoa and are more common than monoazygotic twins

2. They are also carried further afield through water and air systems, vectors such as insects, or the semen, ova and embryos used in artificial insemination, ovum donation or embryo transfer.

3. A one - hour OVA, Fullmetal Alchemist: Reflections Special OVA, was released in 200

4. 15 A one - hour OVA, Fullmetal Alchemist: Reflections Special OVA, was released in 200

5. Luciano Blotta, Camera Department: Ovum

6. The complete antigen, DES - BSA and DES - OVA , were synthesized by combining diethylstilbestrol ( DES ) with BSA or OVA.

7. Sperms fertilize ova in the fallopian tube.

8. Bunker Analyses: Bunkeranalysen {pl} genetic Analyses: Genanalysen {pl} market Analyses: Marktanalysen {pl} tech

9. English: Brushings pl Kehricht m no pl

10. A Blighted ovum eventually results in miscarriage

11. Did her egg cell, or ovum, contribute at all toward her pregnancy?

Trứng, hoặc noãn tử, của bà có góp phần nào cho việc thai nghén không?

12. Her underdeveloped egg follicles begin to fail to release ova as regularly as before .

Các nang trứng chưa phát triển bắt đầu không phóng thích noãn đều đặn như trước đây .

13. Black jack has also been animated into an OVA, two

14. Learn more about signs of a Blighted ovum and …

15. Blighted ovum is the most common cause of miscarriage

16. The ovaries produce eggs ( ova ) and female hormones such as estrogen .

Buồng trứng sản sinh ra trứng và các hoóc - môn nữ chẳng hạn như hoóc - môn estrogen .

17. Archegonium — Diagram of Archegonium anatomy An Archegonium (pl: archegonia), from the ancient Greek ἀρχή ( beginning ) and γόνος ( offspring ), is a multicellular structure or organ of the gametophyte phase of certain plants, producing and containing the ovum … Wikipedia

18. Each Archegonium encloses an ovum which is the female gamete

19. means the haploid stages of the ootidogenesis including secondary oocytes and ova;

20. Accounting Adjustments: Kontenberichtigungen {pl} reasonable Adjustments: angemessene Anpassungen {pl} regular Adjustments: regelmäßige Anpassungen {pl} 3 Wörter: cloth

21. Each Archegonium encloses an ovum which is the female gamete

22. Ascertained defects: festgestellte Mängel {pl} Ascertained goods: konkrete Sachen {pl} Ascertained goods {pl} ausgesonderte und bezeichnete Ware {f} 3 Wörter: sth

23. Materials Analyses: Materialanalysen {pl} spectrum Analyses: Spektralanalysen {pl} Fiktion (Literatur und Film) math

24. Ratios of hapten intergraded with BSA and OVA were 1 and respectively.

25. Of those specimens tested, how many were positive for ova and parasites?