occluded in Vietnamese

goại động từ
1. đút nút, bít (lỗ chân lông, lỗ hổng...)
2. (hóa học) hút giữ

Sentence patterns related to "occluded"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "occluded" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "occluded", or refer to the context using the word "occluded" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. A blood clot occluded an artery to the heart.

2. Single artery Bypass of an occluded right coronary artery

3. Single artery Bypass of an occluded right coronary artery

4. An explosion is the sudden release of occluded air.

5. Percutaneous Revascularization of Occluded Vein Grafts: Is It'still a Temptation to Be Resisted?

6. ObjectiveTo explore the neural basis of visual completion for the occluded faces.

7. Late opening of an occluded coronary artery may also have some beneficial effect.

8. The occluded spores, on the other hand, were quite resistant to moist heat.

9. When this occurs, the warm air is separated (occluded) from the cyclone center at the Earth's surface.

Khi điều này xảy ra, khối khí nóng bị chia tách (hấp lưu) từ tâm xoáy tụ trên bề mặt Trái Đất.

10. Of 68 Brachiocephalic arteries, 53 exhibited hemodynamically significant stenoses, including 21 that were totally occluded

11. The corrosion behavior of 7075 T 6 aluminuium alloy in EXCO solution was studied by occluded cell method.

12. Shadow Color - defines the color that should be used when the ray and is fully occluded.

13. The active dissolution in occluded anode is controlled by an irreversible charge transfer process film interface.

14. The combination of upper and lower - level jets has more complex influences on occluded frontal circulation.

15. Results All the aneurysms were occluded and the space - occupying symptoms disappeared in all the patients.

16. On the other hand, AP could not provid an adequate myocardial protection for the occluded LAD region.

17. Another group has published preliminary findings on alkaline secretion in a balloon occluded segment of human oesophagus.

18. Objectives: Little is known regarding the transit-time flow measurement (TTFM) variables in grafts Anastomosed to chronically totally occluded vessels (CTOs)

19. Occluded fronts form late in the cyclone life cycle near the center of the cyclone and often wrap around the storm center.

Các frông hấp lưu hình thành vào cuối chu kỳ sống của xoáy thuận ở gần trung tâm của xoáy thuận và thường bao quanh trung tâm bão.

20. It is found mostly in occluded intertriginous areas such as the Axillae, inframammary areas, interspaces of the toes, intergluteal and crural fol …

21. A wide variety of weather can be found along an occluded front, with thunderstorms possible, but usually their passage is associated with a drying of the air mass.

Nhiều thời tiết khác nhau có thể được tìm thấy dọc theo một frông hấp lưu, với những dông bão có thể xảy ra, nhưng thông thường tuyến đường của chúng liên kết với khối lượng không khí trở nên khô.

22. In the constituents of inorganic phosphorus, the content of occluded phosphate is the highest, followed by ferric phosphate and aluminium phosphate, while calcium phosphate is the lowest.

23. Lipid A injected into the temporarily occluded renal pelvis of adult dogs, persisted in the kidney tissue and induced an abacterial interstitial nephritis with positive anti-lipid A titers.

24. The gap (3a) situated between both machine areas (1; 1'; 2) is occluded by a seal (4) and the pressure in the liquid chamber (3) is maintained by a hydraulic accumulator (5).

25. We aimed to establish the TTFM cut-off values for detecting graft failure in bypass grafts Anastomosed to chronically totally occluded arteries and clarify the relationship between early graft failure and the grade of collateral

26. Particle accelerator tests also revealed occluded traces of water that were dated to the 19th century, and the Quai Branly released a statement that the tests "seem to indicate that it was made late in the 19th century."

27. Accommodative Convergence That component of Convergence which occurs reflexly in response to a change in accommodation.It is easily demonstrated by having one eye fixate from a far point to a near point along its line of sight, while the other eye is occluded

28. • measurement of the infant's occluded external ear acoustics using the real-ear to coupler difference (RECD) procedure7 Frequency-specific air conduction (AC) and, when indicated, bone-conduction (BC) threshold estimates must be obtained before proceeding with the prescription and fitting of amplification for young infants.

29. Left Autotransplant and right nephrectomy: Main artery- diseased portion excised and double barrel side to side anastomosis with adjacent collateral: Main art- E-E anastomosis with IIA: Left- near complete occluded with collateral present: Collateral- end to side with EIA: One collateral anastomosed with EIA: 5: Right renal artery ostial 90%

30. Ascospores are initially uninucleate, becoming Binucleate after a mitosis.: Les ascospores sont d'abord uninucléées et deviennent binucléées à la suite d'une mitose.: The free cells may undergo karyokinesis and become Binucleate.: Ces cellules libres peuvent subir la caryocinèse et devenir binucléées.: Electron-opaque material occluded the penetration pore after migration of the

31. The present invention relates to a breakdown method for nitrogen oxides using a mixed metal oxide catalyst, and more specifically provides a method for breaking down lean nitrogen oxides in exhaust gas during engine combustion by using a mixed metal oxide catalyst produced from a hydrotalcite form of precursor having an outstanding adsorption performance, thereby providing the advantageous effect of efficient nitrogen oxides removal from the exhaust gas by isolating and adsorbing lean NOx and N2O and then using the CO and HC in the exhaust gas as the only reducing agents with no other reducing agents being used, when the engine is running rich, such that the occluded nitrogen oxides are broken down and desorbed.