news agency in Vietnamese

danh từ
hãng thông tấ

Sentence patterns related to "news agency"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "news agency" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "news agency", or refer to the context using the word "news agency" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. She told AFP news agency :

Bà ấy nói với hãng thông tấn AFP rằng :

2. Turkey 's Dogan news agency said two of its reporters were missing , AP news agency reported .

Thông tấn xã Dogan của Thổ Nhĩ Kỳ nói rằng hai trong số các phóng viên của họ bị mất tích , hãng tin AP cho biết .

3. The Belarus news agency said Mr

4. Renting out of advertising spaces, trading news agency

5. Question: I am working for a Spanish news agency.

6. Agence France-Presse (AFP) is an international news agency headquartered in Paris, France.Founded in 1835 as Havas, it is the world's oldest news agency.

7. The national news agency and the major publishing houses struck.

8. 6 He spoke in the person of Xinhua News Agency.

9. AFP news agency said Mr Glusica also had British citizenship .

Hãng thông tấn AFP cho biết ông Glucia còn có quốc tịch Anh .

10. 16 Even the normally stodgy Xinhua News Agency has weighed in.

11. The announcement came in a bald statement from the official news agency.

12. 19 He was placed in Xin Hua News Agency as a translator.

13. The French news agency put out a statement from the Trade Minister.

14. A local news agency said gangs paraded several severed heads around the town.

15. They even set up their own news agency to peddle anti-isolationist propaganda.

16. 18 The French news agency put out a statement from the Trade Minister.

17. Caters News Agency Ltd The Drop Forge 6-10 Hockley Street Birmingham B18 6BL

18. A diplomatic source told AFP news agency that Col Gaddafi could still be there .

Theo nguồn tin chính xác cho hãng thông tấn AFP hay Đại tá Gaddafi vẫn còn ở đó .

19. One source told the Interfax news agency that bodies were strewn over the road .

Một nguồn tin cho hãng thông tấn xã Interfax biết các thi thể rải khắp con đường này .

20. The vessel set sail late Tuesday for an undisclosed destination, the news agency said.

21. Two people were Beheaded in the village and several women abducted, the news agency added

22. "Cai Mingzhao to head Xinhua news agency as China focuses on party ideology in media".

Ông là Ủy viên Ban Chấp hành Trung ương Đảng Cộng sản Trung Quốc khóa XVIII và khóa XIX. ^ “Cai Mingzhao to head Xinhua news agency as China focuses on party ideology in media”.

23. The state-owned Kuwait News Agency (KUNA) is the largest media house in the country.

Thông tấn xã Kuwait (KUNA) là cơ quan truyền thông lớn nhất Kuwait.

24. LaToya Jackson told the Associated Press news agency the family was overjoyed at the verdict .

LaToya Jackson nói với hãng thông tấn xã Associated Press rằng gia đình rất vui với bản tuyên án này .

25. According to the North's official Korean Central News Agency, the building was renovated in 2008.

Theo Hãng thông tấn Trung ương Triều Tiên, tòa nhà đã được nâng cấp vào năm 2008.

26. 10 The Russian prosecutor general will personally oversee the case, according to Tass news agency.

27. Agreement for Mutual Cooperation and Exchange of News between Qatar News Agency and United New Agency.

28. The news agency Interfax on Oct. 16 put the turnout as between 70 to 90 percent.

29. It is all crystal clear in our heads,' Martin told news agency AFP before the flight.

30. State-run Xinhua news agency says the group received around $ 35,000 ( £22,000 ) for the transp lant .

Hãng thông tấn Tân Hoa Xã của nước này cho biết nhóm trên đã nhận khoảng 35.000 đô-la Mỹ ( 22.000 bảng Anh ) cho ca ghép .

31. And a dam burst in north-eastern Fukushima prefecture , sweeping away homes , Kyodo news agency reported .

Và một đập ngăn nước vỡ tràn vào miền đông bắc của quận Fukushima , quét đi hàng loạt ngôi nhà , theo báo cáo của thông tấn xã Kyodo .

32. Kyodo news agency says the storage pool may be boiling and further radiation leaks are feared .

Thông tấn xã Kyodo cho biết hồ lưu trữ có thể sôi và có nguy cơ rò rỉ phóng xạ nhiều hơn .

33. The Press Association (PA) is a multimedia news agency operating in the United Kingdom and Ireland.

Press Association là một cơ quan thông tấn đa phương tiện hoạt động ở Vương quốc Anh và Ireland.

34. 15 A correspondent for Reuters news agency says he saw a number of demonstrators being beaten.

35. Agreement for Mutual Cooperation and Exchange of News between Qatar News Agency and United News of India.

36. Television pictures showed reporters at a news agency in the capital Yerevan staring glumly at blank screens.

37. The Interfax news agency reported demonstrations in St Petersburg on June 22 over access to television broadcasting.

38. Itar-Tass news agency later quoted the defence ministry in Moscow as saying the report was groundless.

39. 2 According to reports by the Soviet news agency Tass, fighting in Kabul itself abated on March

40. The D-notice was lifted after news of the computer theft was circulated by an international news agency.

41. On March 7 the official news agency Tass reported the appointment of Georgy Ostroumov as a presidential aide.

42. She claims proudly that one news agency had more requests for that photograph than any other that year.

43. Kim Jong-un departed from Pyongyang on February 23, according to images released by the KCNA news agency.

Kim Jong-un rời khỏi Bình Nhưỡng vào ngày 23 tháng 2, theo hình ảnh do hãng thông tấn KCNA công bố.

44. No reason was given for the arrest of Abu Arafeh, who works for a Hamas-affiliated news agency.

45. “China arrested 69,780 juvenile delinquents in 2003,” reports one news agency, “an increase of 12.7 percent over 2002.”

Theo tường thuật của một hãng thông tấn, “tại Trung Quốc, trong năm 2003 có 69.780 trẻ vị thành niên phạm pháp bị bắt, tăng 12,7% so với năm 2002”.

46. 1 The official news agency Tass became independent, and Gorbachev's spokesman Vitaly Ignatenko was appointed to head it.

47. Allseeds board chairperson Viacheslav Petrysche wrote this on Facebook on the evening of April 7, Ukrainian News Agency reports

48. Paraguayan javelin thrower, Leryn Franco, may be the deadliest beauty at these Games, according to India's IANS News Agency.

49. US OFFICE (NY) Caters News Agency Inc 68 Jay Street Floor E Unit 4, Brooklyn New York NY 11201

50. Reuters news agency reported that an elderly woman in India asked those questions after a tsunami devastated her village.

Theo báo cáo của cơ quan thông tấn xã Reuters, đó là câu hỏi của một phụ nữ lớn tuổi ở Ấn Độ sau khi cơn sóng thần tàn phá ngôi làng của bà.