nailed in Vietnamese


Sentence patterns related to "nailed"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "nailed" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "nailed", or refer to the context using the word "nailed" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Nailed to a stake

Bị đóng đinh trên cây cột

2. She nailed her astrophysics course.

3. He is nailed to a cross.

Ông ta bị đóng đinh vào cây thập tự.

4. She nailed the two boards together.

5. You already got me nailed.

Cậu bắt thóp tôi rồi.

6. Myers was nailed for selling marijuana.

7. But perhaps what Houston nailed best was moderation."

Nhưng có lẽ thứ mà Houston đã nắm chắc nhất là sự tiết chế."

8. Nailed to a stake at Golgotha (21-32)

Bị đóng đinh trên cây cột tại Gô-gô-tha (21-32)

9. I nailed the batten back on top.



11. The coffin lid had been nailed down.

12. The box was nailed up ready for the carter.

13. He nailed a notice board to the wall.

14. The police still haven't nailed the villain.

15. Boitano nailed a superb triple axel jump.

16. Nailed to a stake at Golgotha (32-44)

Bị đóng đinh trên cây cột tại Gô-gô-tha (32-44)

17. He nailed boards together to make a box.

18. Early Friday afternoon Jesus is nailed to a stake.

Xế trưa Thứ Sáu Chúa Giê-su bị đóng đinh trên một cây cột.

19. The notice board was nailed up on a tree.

20. The Cantilevered beams are dimensional lumber nailed together

21. Medicine, supplies, anything that' s not nailed down

22. 21 He nailed a sign to the wall.

23. Jesus nailed to a stake at Golgotha (16b-24)

Chúa Giê-su bị đóng đinh trên cây cột tại Gô-gô-tha (16b-24)

24. 22 He nailed a notice board to the wall.

25. 12 The sign was nailed up over the door.

26. Anything's not nailed to the floor is going in the incinerator.

Thứ gì không được đóng đinh xuống sàn sẽ được tống vào lò đốt rác.

27. Some joker had nailed the bench to the floor.

28. 20 I am nailed to the stake along with Christ.

20 Tôi bị đóng đinh trên cây cột cùng với Đấng Ki-tô.

29. A notice was nailed up on the church door.

30. The lid of the coffin had been nailed down.

31. He had nailed up the letter box at the door.

32. 13 Frank put the first plank down and nailed it in place.

33. Amraam What is Amraam, the missile that nailed Pakistan's lie

34. Ensign was a retriever, and retrieved everything that wasn't nailed down.

35. He was nailed to a wooden pole and hung there upright.

36. 16 Cove nailed to timber splayed fillet,( attached to lighting trough.

37. After hammering out the shoes, he nailed three of them on the horse.

Sau khi đóng búa vào móng ngựa, ông đóng ba cây đinh lên trên móng ngựa.

38. The two strakes above it are nailed directly onto the knees of the frame.

Hai đường ván bên trên được đóng đinh trực tiếp vào khớp xoay của sườn tàu.

39. Michael on Brigantine Battles Unruly Short-Term Rentals and Party Houses: “ nailed it

40. He was whipped and nailed to the torture stake, suffering an agonizing death.

41. Yeah, suddenly those 100 girls you nailed in the seventh grade aren't so impressive.

Phải, bỗng nhiên 100 đứa con gái cậu đã " neo " hồi lớp 7 không ấn tượng tí nào nhỉ

42. + 25 It was now the third hour,* and they nailed him to the stake.

+ 25 Lúc họ đóng đinh ngài trên cây cột là 9 giờ sáng.

43. The people are nailed to a cross of torment imposed by international Communism."

Người dân đang bị trói buộc và hành hạ bởi chủ nghĩa Cộng sản quốc tế."

44. The police broke up the window nailed down and rescued the boy from the fire.

45. When it comes to food, wine and conviviality, the Spanish seem to have it nailed.

46. 26 The candidate nailed his colours to the mast on the question of civil rights.

47. 3. garden fencing, etc., made of trellis work nailed cross-wise and then stretched out (accordion system);

48. Antonyms for Bolixed up include iced, secured, won, clinched, ensured, nailed, sealed, seized, cinched and consummated

49. They tell me your son... squealed like a girl when they nailed him to the cross.

Họ bảo con trai ngươi la khóc như con gái... khi họ đóng đinh nó vào thánh giá.

50. Then they were tied or nailed to upright stakes and left to die —slowly, agonizingly.