logic circuits in Vietnamese

danh từ
(tin học) mạch lôgíc

Sentence patterns related to "logic circuits"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "logic circuits" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "logic circuits", or refer to the context using the word "logic circuits" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Logic circuits on the snake simply failed to respond.

Mạch lô-gic của con rắn không có phản ứng.

2. Full custom logic circuits are designed to perform application-specific functions.

3. As with other sequential logic circuits Counters can be synchronous or asynchronous

4. Boolean Algebra is used to analyze and simplify the digital (logic) circuits

5. The controller (6) includes registers (22) and logic circuits which compensate CRT address information.

6. Software development platforms adapted for the programming of signal processing processors and programmable logic circuits

7. He and his colleagues have developed simple genetic networks in bacteria that act like clocks or logic circuits.

8. Examples of such systems are digital logic circuits and components, automata and formal language, computer programs, and computers.

Ví dụ về các hệ thống như vậy là các mạch luận lý số, máy tự động và ngôn ngữ hình thức, chương trình máy tính và máy tính.

9. Unlike conventional two-plane dynamic CMOS logic circuits, there is no need for clocking circuitry intermediate of the two planes.

10. Based on the working principle, counter structure and Clocked Transmission Gate Adiabatic Logic circuits[Sentencedict.com], a design scheme of decimal counter with reset is proposed.

11. In the paper, a new idea of controlling and managing complicated logic circuits by on chip microprogram is suggested, since XILINX FPGA is ROM based.