lecturing in Vietnamese

danh từ
1. bài diễn thuyết; bài lên lớp; bài thuyết trình; bài nói chuyện
2. lời la mắng, lời quở trách

động từ
1. diễn thuyết, thuyết trình
2. la mắng, quở trách; lên lớp (ai)

Sentence patterns related to "lecturing"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "lecturing" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "lecturing", or refer to the context using the word "lecturing" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. 9 Don't digress when lecturing.

2. I found his style of lecturing soporific.

3. Maxwell Friend lecturing in the Gilead School amphitheater

4. What are you lecturing me now?

Bây giờ cậu đang lên lớp tôi đấy hả?

5. Understand the difference between Lecturing and Berating.

6. 20 Don't digress ( from the subject ) when lecturing.

7. Praise and rewards work better than nagging and lecturing.

Khen ngợi và thưởng có ích hơn là cằn nhằn và lên lớp.

8. The words Lecturing and Berating might have synonymous (similar) meaning

9. She travelled widely in North America, lecturing on women's rights.

10. You've been observing him while you've been guest-lecturing here?

Cô đã quan sát cậu ấy khi còn dự thính ở học viện, phải không nào?

11. You were acting so high mighty and lecturing me all the time.

12. Chad Spectre lecturing about how to become a better Brogrammer.More about chad https://twitter.com/dN0t

13. The teacher asked the class to give ear to what the speaker was lecturing.

14. 28 Turner suffered from asthma for many years, but persisted with his rather eccentric temperance lecturing.

15. She freelances with academic services like research, editing, event management, press work, and lecturing.

16. I was listening to them lecturing us earlier and giving us advice on political correctness

17. (Deuteronomy 6:6, 7) But it is not simply a matter of lecturing or commanding their offspring.

Nhưng đây không phải là chỉ khiển trách hoặc ra lệnh cho con trẻ.

18. He is also aware of All Might's secret and has hobbies of lecturing and drinking tea.

Ông cũng biết được bí mật của All Might, ông còn có sở thích giảng dạy và uống trà.

19. Lecturing week after week, as part of the pedagogic routine, is more of a test than people realise.

20. Michael “Buz” Waitzkin is the Deputy Director of Science & Society and Senior Lecturing Fellow at Duke University

21. You've got some gall, barging into my office and lecturing me when all you do is criticise others'work!

Anh hằn học xông vào văn phòng tôi và dạy đời tôi trông khi tất cả những gì anh làm là phê phán công việc của người khác.

22. Bork presented his positions, controversial as they were on the substance, in a gruff and standoffish manner, lecturing rather than having a conversation

23. Chen has had a significant impact on the CASE industry through his research and his lecturing around the world on structured system development methodologies.

Giáo sư Chen cũng có nhiều hoạt động hiệu quả cho các CASE trong kỹ nghệ thông qua các nghiên cứu và các bài giảng về các phương pháp phát triển hệ thống có cấu trúc khắp nơi trên thế giới.

24. THE Barnacling – SJWs barnacle themselves to the IP both within its production and without in the fan base, and start lecturing long time fans

25. To spread the truth of these visionary teachings, she sojourned alone, lecturing, singing gospel songs, and preaching abolitionism through many states over three decades.

26. THE Barnacling – SJWs barnacle themselves to the intellectual property both within its production and without in the fan base, and start lecturing long time fans

27. Several euro zone ministers in Wroclaw seemed peeved that the United States, itself burdened with a large budget gap and debt, was lecturing Europe on what should be done.

28. Broose Johnson will be lecturing at the School of Music: Animator, story artist and illustrator, Broose Johnson had the great blessing of joining Walt Disney Feature Animation at the very beginning of what has come to be known as animation's "Second Golden Age"

29. A: "Mom is constantly trying to fix me up with other people." B: "Ugh, I know, she can be a real Buttinsky." Geez, Aunt Connie is such a Buttinsky, constantly lecturing me as though she knows what it's like to be a

30. Individuals, including Sue Biely (short film specialist and former Acquisitions Editor for CBC’s ZeD, based in Vancouver), Danny Lennon (founder of Prends ca court! short film screening series, and international short film programmer based in Montreal), and the writers of this report, expend much energy educating filmmakers on marketing strategies for short films by participating on panels, guest lecturing at schools or meeting with filmmakers individually.

31. Individuals, including Sue Biely (short film specialist and former Acquisitions Editor for CBC's ZeD, based in Vancouver), Danny Lennon (founder of Prends ca court! short film screening series, and international short film programmer based in Montreal), and the writers of this report, expend much energy educating filmmakers on marketing strategies for short films by participating on panels, guest lecturing at schools or meeting with filmmakers individually.

32. Classes conducted by members of the Polish National Working Group for the Police and Human Rights provided an opportunity for an exchange of experience, inter alia related to the violations of the prohibition of torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment in the practice of the Police; In the period from # to # arch # the Police Academy in Szczytno hosted a meeting of police teachers lecturing on human rights