icefall in Vietnamese

hư ice-fall

Sentence patterns related to "icefall"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "icefall" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "icefall", or refer to the context using the word "icefall" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. After a hard winter freeze, however, Dow Spout becomes a slick, crystalline "icefall".

2. Sherpa Nima Dorje Tamang traverses a ladder on the Khumbu Icefall of Mount Everest in Nepal.

3. The operation, called Operation Icefall, was led by officers from the Metropolitan police's clubs and vice unit.

4. A climber uses a ladder to cross a crevasse at Everest's Khumbu Icefall, not far above base camp.

5. Where the ice passes over especially steep terrain, ripple marks on the glacier surface indicate the icefall.

6. It's the first flat spot you can reach after you get up to the top of the icefall.

Đó là chỗ bằng phẳng đầu tiên bạn đặt chân sau khi đã trèo qua thác băng.

7. Icefall, small regenerated glacier and remarkably large set of terminal moraines (northwest of Steacy Icecap; July 23rd, 2008).

8. Ogives are formed when ice from an icefall is severely broken up, increasing ablation surface area during summer.

Cung nhọn được hình thành khi băng từ thác băng bị vỡ mạnh, làm tăng diện tích bề mặt tiêu mòn trong suốt mùa hè.

9. Seracs, crevasses, and shifting blocks of ice make the icefall one of the most dangerous sections of the route.

Serac, các kẽ nứt trong băng và các khối băng trượt làm thác băng này là một trong những đoạn nguy hiểm nhất của con đường lên đỉnh.

10. Shifting ice exposes new crevasses with little warning, making the Khumbu Icefall the most dangerous section of a southern Everest ascent.

11. Northeast of the icefall, the glacier's surface is mostly smooth for several kilometers until a network of crevasses mark the surface.

12. The treacherous Khumbu Icefall has taken the lives of many climbers on their first day as they head to their first camp.

13. The constantly shifting Khumbu Icefall is like a bunch of ice cubes continually tumbling down the icy mountain wall, " said photographer Bobby Model."

14. Look at the walls and slopes of the Khumbu glacier [which flows 5 miles down from an icefall on the southern flanks of Everest].

15. The constantly shifting Khumbu Icefall is like a bunch of ice cubes continually tumbling down the icy mountain wall," said photographer Bobby Model about this image.

16. Every step is critical on Mount Everest. The treacherous Khumbu Icefall has taken the lives of many climbers on their first day as they head to their first camp.

17. Flying by private jet from Cape Town, South Africa, you'll land at the unique camp that sits on top of a 200 metre icefall overlooking the coast.

18. Tourists of Glacier Explorer boats say the icefall caused waves of up to 5 meters in height which swept up and down the lake for 30 minutes.

19. From the horrific icefall to the drying up Twins Lake, from th"e dancing road" to the poverty- stricken natives, the author witnessed the crisis of Yellow River Source.

20. Scaling to the top of the icefall along the cold steps and looking down from there at the ice sculpts one after another, I felt as if falling into a white wonderland.