hooves in Vietnamese

Danh từ
số nhiều của hoof

Sentence patterns related to "hooves"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "hooves" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "hooves", or refer to the context using the word "hooves" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Hooves?

Móng guốc?

2. When you hear hooves...

Khi cô nghe thấy tiếng vó ngựa...

3. They have hooves.

Chúng cũng có móng guốc mà.

4. They also have dark, hard hooves.

Chúng cũng có móng guốc tối, cứng.

5. The Thunder of Hooves Prologue by Atren, literature

6. The hooves of their horses are like flint,

Vó ngựa họ khác nào đá lửa,

7. The Blackbucks have pointed and delicate hooves

8. 22 Then the hooves of horses pounded

22 Vó ngựa nện dồn dập

9. The cloven hooves are sharp edged , elastic and concave.

10. Sharp, guttural cries accompanied the drum of hooves.

11. The mane was full, with broad hooves and curly hair.

Bờm đã đầy đủ, với móng rộng và tóc xoăn.

12. The legs and hooves are examined by X-ray.

Chân và móng guốc được kiểm tra bằng X-quang.

13. The devil is typically depicted with Cloven hooves

14. Baleen is a keratinized structure like hair, fingernails, and hooves

15. The hooves should be regularly trimmed every six weeks by the farrier.

16. You can get horns, antlers -- even, if you look close, cloven hooves.

Bạn có sừng, gạc -- thậm chí, nếu nhìn kĩ, có những móng.

17. The clip - clop of the horse's hooves faded away into the distance.

18. The steady clip clop of his horse's hooves drummed like a heartbeat.

19. This is partly because of the construction of its hooves.

Đó một phần là nhờ cách cấu tạo móng chân của chúng.

20. Cuba's Balmiest provincial capital, it resounds to the clip-clop of hooves; nearly …

21. The rifle fire Abated and the ground shook with the drumming of hooves

22. 3 At the sound of the pounding hooves of his stallions,

3 Nghe tiếng vó ngựa nện thình thịch

23. I mean, when you hear hooves, you think horses, not zebras.

Ý tôi là, khi nghe tiêng móng guốc, anh cho là ngựa, không phải ngựa vằn.

24. The horses shifted , their iron hooves clattering threateningly on the pavement.

25. Its steel shod hooves sent sparks off the stones, like portents.

26. Hundreds of pounding hooves pulverize the earth, kicking up a cloud of red dust.

Hàng trăm bộ móng guốc nện xuống đạp tan tành mặt đất, đá tung lên một đám bụi đỏ.

27. The plains resonate with the sound of hooves during this annual migration.

Đồng bằng vang dội tiếng móng guốc trong mùa di cư hàng năm này.

28. The chip - clop of the horse's hooves faded away into the distance.

29. It is in the split moment when all four hooves leave the ground.

Đó là khoảnh khắc khi mà cả bốn con bò ngã xuống đất.

30. His goat-like lower body, however, had hooves and a long leonine tail.

31. The Hooves Belonged to the Deer, re-visions a mythology of Paradise and expulsion

32. Bovids are a diverse group of ruminant mammals that have hooves and unbranched hollow horns

33. I heard the little hard hooves of his mare come scuttling across the dry hill.

34. Foot and - mouth disease affects animals with cloven hooves such as cattle, pigs, deer, goat and sheep.

35. She gripped hard with her knees and tried to roll with the tiny plodding hooves.

36. Southgate's and Bowyer's were fiery, hot-tempered, rearing and kicking the air with sharpened hooves.

37. then the soft clop of the hooves of the horse hauling a milk wagon down your block,

Liền sau là tiếng lộc cộc nhẹ móng ngựa Của xe đẩy sữa nhón dần ngang khu ở

38. The middle hooves are larger and more elongated than the lateral ones and are capable of quick movements.

Các móng guốc ở giữa lớn hơn và kéo dài hơn những cái bên, và có khả năng di chuyển nhanh.

39. The horse's nostrils were vastly inflated and it was panting rhythmically as its hooves struck the hard ground.

40. Crocodiles have an extremely acidic stomach, which helps them to easily digest bones, hooves, and horns

41. All that savage grandeur, the steely glinting hooves, the eruptions driven from the creature's mighty innards,

Tất cả vẻ hoang dại hùng tráng kia, móng guốc lấp lánh cứng cỏi, sự phun trào bắt nguồn từ bộ phận đồ sộ của loài sinh vật

42. Foot and - mouth disease affects animals with cloven hooves, such as cattle, pigs, deer and sheep.

43. In keeping with these feats, its soles are particularly hard and its hooves grow very quickly.

Để phù hợp với những cuộc chạy, lòng bàn chân của nó là đặc biệt phức tạp và móng guốc của nó phát triển rất nhanh chóng.

44. 7 Southgate's and Bowyer's were fiery, hot-tempered, rearing and kicking the air with sharpened hooves.

45. Bovids are a diverse group of ruminant mammals that have hooves and unbranched hollow horns

46. Carcasses shall be presented without tongue, bristles, hooves, genital organs, flare fat, kidneys and diaphragm.

47. Because of previous damage caused by hooves, pack animals are not allowed on the remainder of the trail.

Do những tổn thương trước đó do móng guốc gây ra, động vật đóng gói không được phép trên phần còn lại của đường mòn.

48. Clayey soil The horses hooves made a slapping sound as they walked through the thick, Clayey mud.

49. Instead, he devours the flesh of the fat one+ and tears off the hooves of the sheep.

Trái lại, nó sẽ ăn thịt con mập béo+ và giật đứt cả móng chiên.

50. Susan could see a gaslamp vaguely in the murk, and hear the clip of hooves on cobblestones.