heat capacity in Vietnamese

Dung tích nhiệt

Sentence patterns related to "heat capacity"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "heat capacity" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "heat capacity", or refer to the context using the word "heat capacity" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Soil moisture assessment by heat capacity

2. One of the key properties of an encapsulated thermal battery is its volumetric heat capacity (VHC), also termed volume-specific heat capacity.

3. The standard heat capacity, entropy, sublimation enthalpy of graphite.

4. In some engineering contexts, the volumetric heat capacity is used.

Trong một số công kỹ thuật, công suất nhiệt thể tích được sử dụng.

5. It is Combusted in a calorimeter whose heat capacity is 76.01 kJ/C

6. 18 Heat capacity and heat of vaporization of components of litsea cubeba oil were calculated.

7. The product of a solid element's relative atomic mass and its specific heat capacity is approximately

8. — cair is the specific heat capacity of air at constant pressure and density [kWh/(m3 K)];

9. A Calorimeter is a device designed to measure heat of reaction or physical changes and heat capacity

10. The manufactured aggregate material (154) may be adjusted for moisture content, density, heat capacity, and other parameters.

11. A brief overview of Calorimetric reactions: A calorimeter contains water or other substances with known heat capacity

12. ·K. The specific heat capacity varied with the aggregate source and ranged from 940 to 2000 J/kg

13. Low temperature heat capacity of ammonium, rubidium and cesium perbromates has been studied by method of adiabatic calorimetry.

14. In periodic flow atRa*H=4.4×1010 the wall heat capacity significantly reduces the amplitude of the temperature oscillation.

15. A calculation formula for determining the specific heat capacity of solid with an improved RD496-III microcalorimeter was derived.

16. The heat capacity of high-purity indium has been determined by adiabatic-shield calorimetry in the range 300 to 1000 K.

17. The heat capacity of LiInTe2 at constant pressure was measured with an adiabatic vacuum calorimeter in the temperature rangeT=7–300 K.

18. Calorimeter A Calorimeter is a device that is in use for measuring the warmth of chemical reactions or physical changes also as heat capacity

19. Experimental progress in adiabatic, cryogenic calorimetry is tersely reviewed and contrasted with other techniques for heat capacity determinations in this temperature region—including DSC.

20. Complementary measurement techniques allow the determination of material properties like density, thermal conductivity, heat capacity and thermal expansion at different levels of the ablation process.

21. This paper discussed the assessment of uncertainty of air's specific heat capacity ratio, and gave a method of more reasonable, standard and easy for teaching.

22. A new cryogenic carbon thin film resistance sensor which is of small size, low heat capacity, high sensitivity, fast response and small magnetoresistance is reported.

23. Specific volume, specific heat capacity, thermal expansion coefficient and adiabatic compressibility coefficient for both water and ice must be known at any temperature and pressure combination.

24. Calorimeter, device for measuring the heat developed during a mechanical, electrical, or chemical reaction, and for calculating the heat capacity of materials. Calorimeters have been designed in …

25. Maxwell observed that the specific heat capacity of H2 unaccountably departs from that of a diatomic gas below room temperature and begins to increasingly resemble that of a monatomic gas at cryogenic temperatures.

Maxwell đã quan sát nhiệt dung riêng của H2 không thể tính được của khí hai nguyên tử dưới nhiệt độ phòng và bắt đầu ngày càng giống với khí đơn nguyên tử ở nhiệt độ đông đặc.

26. ‘Scanning Calorimetric experiments show that proteins do have a heat capacity.’ ‘The interaction again resulted in a significant heat release and a Calorimetric titration curve could again be constructed.’ ‘Protein solutions for the Calorimetric experiments were …

27. As one of the devices used in the science of calorimetry, the Calorimeter plays an important role in measuring heat capacity in a number of secure environments, as well as the physical changes that occur with the incidence of specific chemical reactions.

28. Calorimeter (Const P) Measuring heat transfers during a chemical reaction (e.g., coffee cup Calorimeter) Where m is the mass of water (or solution) cs is the specific heat capacity of water (or solution) ∆T is the temperature change of the water during the reaction

29. The objective of the present invention is to provide: a tray for an ice making machine which has low heat capacity without requiring surface treatment such as silicon coating and the like; an ice making machine comprising the same; and a refrigerator comprising the ice making machine.

30. Also, ample heat storage space is secured by forming the heat pipe to have a larger volume (heat capacity) than an absorption heat pipe in the absorption module so that an ample heat source can be provided by the heat conversion electricity generator, even during weather conditions when solar radiation can fluctuate suddenly, thereby allowing more stable and efficient operation of the system.