he's in Vietnamese

Viết tắt của he is, he has

Sentence patterns related to "hes"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "hes" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "hes", or refer to the context using the word "hes" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Alack the day! -- he's gone, he's kill'd, he's dead!

2. He's loquacious, he's colorful.

Anh ấy lắm mồm, và màu mè.

3. He's weak he's unsure of himself he's a coward.

Anh ta yếu đuối, không tự tin, là 1 thằng hèn.

4. He's different. He's weird.

5. He's organised and he's mean.

Hắn có tổ chức và hắn rất khó chơi.

6. People are, " Yeah, he's shit, he's a has-been, he's over,

Mọi người nói, " hắn là thứ vớ vẫn, hắn hết thúc rồi,

7. He's fine and then suddenly he's naked and he's hugging everybody.

Anh ấy ổn và rồi bất ngờ, anh ấy cởi truồng và ôm tất cả mọi người.

8. He's good, but he's no Tron.

9. He's unique and he's in pain.

Hắn độc đáo và hắn đang đau khổ.

10. He's not asleep - he's just pretending.

11. He's your child, he's not mine

12. He's eighty if he's a day!

13. He's not indignant, he's not embarrassed.

14. He's... he's an amazingly good listener.

15. When he's drunk, he's a beast.

16. He's confessed, He's a convicted murderer.

Hắn đã nhận tội rồi mà, Hắn là can phạm giết người.

17. 18 He's poor because he's lazy.

18. Yeah, he's turning down shots, he's yawning, he's whining about his feet.

19. Next thing I know, he's he's charging at me, he's... he's reaching in his coat pocket for a knife.

20. He's cute, he's soft, he cuddly, he's the one I want to get!

21. He's not just fat. He's positively gross!

22. If he's young, he's a software mogul.

23. 23 He's not hungry; he's just greedy.

24. Maybe he's worried that he's going bald.

Có thể anh đang lo lắng chẳng mấy chốc đầu anh sẽ bị hói đi.

25. 7 He's rather curt when he's angry.

26. He's a nice guy when he's sober.

27. He's a terrible man when he's angry.

28. He's not a friend, he's an infliction.

29. He's just absent-minded, but he's so sweet

30. He's crossed over. He's on the wrong side.

Nó băng ngang, nó chạy bên đường cấm.

31. Although he's quite old he's still very active.

32. He's in trouble but he's refused all help.

33. He's pleasant enough, but he's such a drip!

34. Actually, he's-he's very big in acoustical tile.

35. He's in the Old West, but he's alive.

Bác ấy ở miền tây hoang dã, nhưng còn sống.

36. He's not a human, he's a price tag

Hắn không phải là người, hắn là một cái bảng giá.

37. 28 He's not just fat. He's positively gross!

38. He's got more confident as he's got older.

39. "He's gone, he's gone," Michael Blubbed

40. He's a brute, but he's not an idiot.

Hắn là tay cục súc nhưng không phải là thằng ngu.

41. He's not the police, he's not a fireman.

Anh chàng này không phải cảnh sát, cũng không phải lính cứu hỏa.

42. He's different now that he's been to college.

43. He's had flu, but he's on the mend.

44. He's 20 pounds lighter, he's in better condition.

Cậu ấy giảm đi chín cân, sức khỏe sẽ tốt hơn.

45. He's still conscious but he's fairly badly injured.

46. He's only six and he's a Lego freak.

47. So maybe he's a little bit lazy, but he's there, he's taking care of the building.

Có thể nó hơi lười nhác một chút, nhưng anh ta ở đó và chăm sóc toà nhà.

48. He's an animal, but he's still an American citizen.

Hắn loài cầm thú, nhưng vẫn là công dân Mỹ.

49. What she means is he's boring. He's a geek.

Ý chị ấy là, chú ấy chán lắm, chú ấy ghét trẻ em nữa.

50. 29 He's still conscious but he's fairly badly injured.