fearlessness in Vietnamese

Danh từ
tính không sợ, tính không sợ hãi; tính can đảm, tính dũng cảm, tính bạo dạ

Sentence patterns related to "fearlessness"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "fearlessness" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "fearlessness", or refer to the context using the word "fearlessness" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Fearlessness stems from selflessness.

2. He is legendary for his fearlessness and pugnacity.

3. Fearlessness is the mother of reinvention.

4. Boldness, noun Courage; bravery; intrepidity; spirit; fearlessness

5. His menu for the growth of individuals was fearlessness.

6. He showed complete fearlessness in the face of danger.

7. But pray the ability fearlessness of face them.

8. He felt possessed of great strength and fearlessness.

9. It is our duty to cultivate the spirit of boldness and fearlessness.

10. A Bandog is selectively bred for its strength, stamina, confidence, and fearlessness

11. In his years on the beat, Cowgill earned a reputation for fearlessness.

12. He felt possessed of a preternatural strength and fearlessness.

13. 9 He is legendary for his fearlessness and pugnacity.

14. Tarati is a subtle device, but ever - so - powerful in its fearlessness.

15. The definition of Confidently is doing something with assurance or fearlessness

16. Bowstring is an organization that runs on integrity, talent and fearlessness

17. Our fearlessness shall be our secret weapon. John Green 

18. Antonyms for Cravenness include bravery, courage, courageousness, daring, dauntlessness, doughtiness, fearlessness, gallantry, greatheartedness and guts

19. Antonyms for Cowardliness include bravery, courage, courageousness, daring, dauntlessness, doughtiness, fearlessness, gallantry, greatheartedness and guts

20. The Contortionist represents fearlessness in musical expression, designed to please artist as much as audience

21. He found fearlessness an extremely difficult state to conceive, like the hereafter.

22. Gwan Shr Yin Bodhisattva Mahasattva can, in the midst of fear, crisis, and hardship, bestow fearlessness. That is why in this Saha World all call him the "Bestower of Fearlessness."

23. In one's resolve to pursue the Path lies the giving of fearlessness.

24. I followed them in, shamed by the fearlessness of people half my height.

25. Synonyms for Courageousness include bottle, bravery, courage, daring, daringness, dauntlessness, doughtiness, fearlessness, gallantry and greatheartedness

26. Cher embodies an unapologetic freedom and fearlessness that some of us can only aspire to."

Cher nêu lên sự tự do và dũng cảm không biện hộ mà chỉ vài người trong chúng ta có thể khao khát chạm đến."

27. Put a lot of stock in dogs that exude energy, are alert and show fearlessness.

28. That throwing a chest and lifting up my horn with fearlessness, is my instinct.

29. Game brief introduction: The pirate of impersonation fearlessness, the detection enchant of the treasure hide!

30. We also protect all cultivators, so that their Bodhimandas are peaceful and they attain fearlessness.

31. From the start, he'd liked her long , thick hair, feisty sense of humor and fearlessness.

32. As many were at the Very Severe upper end of difficulty, he developed quite a reputation for fearlessness.

33. COMSTOCK With this sagacity of leadership Gompers has combined a fearlessness that sometimes verges on Brazenness

34. 21 Game brief introduction: The pirate of impersonation fearlessness, the detection enchant of the treasure hide!

35. 2 Boldly Giving a Witness: A synonym for “bold” is “intrepid,” which means having “resolute fearlessness, fortitude, and endurance.”

2 Làm chứng cách dạn dĩ: Một chữ đồng nghĩa với “dạn dĩ” là “gan dạ”, có nghĩa là có “sự cương quyết không sợ hãi, dũng cảm, và chịu đựng”.

36. She served three consecutive terms from 1877 to 18 and was noted for her fearlessness and power of debate.

37. Facts What numerology tells about Anastice? You are often taken as crazy because of your fearlessness and courageous acts you take to achieve your aspirations

38. Pickwickian Manners and Customs "Antediluvian," and for startling originality in his views as well as fearlessness in expressing them

39. One thing I love about Ahimsa is it’s ‘gentle fearlessness’, the true spirit of Ahimsa does not shy away from justice

40. There are several Asanas that embody the strength and power and fearlessness, and Warrior 1 is the foundation for these empowering standing poses

41. Along with their fearlessness it's the candidness of these three interrupters, who have made their lives open books from which they preach a new gospel of peace, that pulls you into the movie.

42. Let me do not pray to get the asylum in the inclemency, But pray the ability fearlessness of face them, Let I not imprecation I of pain and sufferings will stop, But beg my heart and can conquer it.

43. What is KP-Befit fitness all about I'm pumped to inspire and support you in making your wildest fitness dreams come true with a powerful combo of pragmatic optimism, old fashioned work, and fearlessness

44. "Bootblacks, in other words, is this generation’s answer to Joy Division, and likely the closest we’ll ever get to hearing another band play with the same intensity, emotion, and fearlessness as the iconic Manchester band." - The Revue

45. With the free Bop Pass you can take a journey through the streets where Frederick Douglass, Billie Holiday and Harriet Tubman once walked, learning about their contributions to history and how their fearlessness, big ideas and …

46. With pretty half-Betrayings Of things one may not know; Fair hand, whose touches thrill, Like golden rod of wonder, Which Hermes wields at will Spirit and flesh to sunder; Light foot, to press the stirrup In fearlessness and glee, Or dance, till finches chirrup, www.PoemHunter.com - The …

47. Examples from Classical Literature It was the vulgarity and Brazenness of the New York grisette breaking out, or the spangles and sawdust of the circus-rider. With this sagacity of leadership Gompers has combined a fearlessness that sometimes verges on Brazenness.