fatal in Vietnamese

Gây chết, chết

Sentence patterns related to "fatal"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "fatal" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "fatal", or refer to the context using the word "fatal" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. - a reduction in the rate of fatal and non-fatal accidents;

2. It's not fatal.

Không phải là đòn chí tử.

3. Might even be fatal.

Thậm chí dẫn tới tử vong.

4. It is a common cause of food-related fatal and near-fatal allergic reactions.

Nó là một nguyên nhân phổ biến của tử vong do thực phẩm và những phản ứng dị ứng gần tử vong.

5. The shot was fatal.

6. Aids is a fatal disease.

7. Any delay would be fatal.

8. The disease is potentially fatal.

9. 11 Distemper is often fatal.

10. An Ativan overdose can be fatal

11. The homozygous form is fatal.

12. And therein lies the fatal flaw.

13. Even a cold could prove fatal.

Ngay cả một cơn cảm cúm cũng có thể gây tử vong.

14. She had taken a fatal overdose.

Cô đã qua đời do uống thuốc quá liều.

15. Breaking traffic laws causes fatal accidents.

Không tôn trọng luật đi đường là nguyên do gây ra nhiều tai nạn chết người.

16. Aneurysms are potentially fatal if they rupture.

17. 7 And therein lies the fatal flaw.

18. The cognizance of the conditional fatal injury.

19. There's a fatal flaw in your reasoning.

20. In itself, such extrapolation is hardly fatal.

21. No fatal adynamic ileus occurred post-operatively.

22. Boxing was extremely violent and sometimes fatal.

Quyền thuật là bộ môn cực kỳ hung bạo và đôi khi làm chết người.

23. Malignant glioma is currently a fatal disease.

24. See also: Attraction, center, of fatal Attraction 1

25. Its fatal venom had no effect on him.

26. There was a fatal flaw in the plan.

27. There was one fatal flaw in his argument.

28. At worst, the drug can be fatal.

29. But none a fatal hit, it seems.

Nhưng có vẻ chẳng phát nào chí tử cả.

30. It would be fatal to bring in outsider.

31. This illness is fatal in almost all cases.

32. Blackleg is a fatal disease of young cattle

33. The time that you are my most fatal.

34. Her disregard of this advice was ultimately fatal.

35. He ate some poisonous mushrooms, with fatal consequences.

36. Maester Pycelle assured me your wounds were not fatal.

Tư tế Pycelle cam đoan với ta là ngươi không bị thương chí tử.

37. One moment of inattention when driving could be fatal.

38. This type of allergy can very occasionally be fatal.

39. 15 From whence they went to the fatal tree.

40. He suffered a fatal heart attack while cycling.

41. One momentary lapse in concentration could prove fatal.

42. This fatal miscalculation lost them the final victory.

43. He made the fatal mistake of compromising early.

44. A usually fatal epidemic disease, especially bubonic plague.

45. Cystic fibrosis is the Commonest fatal here-ditary disease.

46. There were fatal mind control experiments conducted at Auschwitz.

47. 7 He suffered a fatal heart attack while cycling.

48. German measles can prove fatal to an unborn baby.

49. Codeine may also cause severe, possibly fatal, breathing problems

50. DAnbury police make arrest in fatal drive-by shooting