diapause in Vietnamese

Danh từ (sinh học)
thời kỳ đình dục
thời kỳ nghỉ sinh dục
thời kỳ nghỉ hoạt động

Sentence patterns related to "diapause"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "diapause" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "diapause", or refer to the context using the word "diapause" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. The aestivation diapause ofP. atrorufus lasts only 1.5 months.

2. Unlike torpor, diapause is a long - term state of suspension.

3. Mating takes place before this diapause, but the eggs are laid after.

Quá trình giao phối diễn ra trước khi đình dục, nhưng trứng được đẻ sau đó.

4. The aestivation diapause of the adults is dependent upon the photoperiod.

5. However, pink Bollworm larvae do not appear to undergo a diapause in Zimbabwe (Kunjeku, 1984)

6. Interference was also shown inexperiments with artificially prospective non-diapause germ of the same age.

7. The young adults hatch in spring and early summer and undergo an aestivation diapause before maturation and reproduction.

8. Under natural conditions, C. downesi has an aestival–autumnal–hibernal reproductive diapause that is primarily controlled by photoperiod.

9. The fall Armyworm has not shown the ability to diapause so its ability to survive winter depends on the severity of the temperature

10. Individuals undergoing Aestival diapause were recognized by the following criteria: lack of reproduction and the assumption of a plump, waxy appearance, which indicates the lack of ovarian development and development of fat tissue.

11. Five of 13 Coarctates of this species failed to diapause; 1 larva developed directly to the pupal stage from the coarctate phase; 5 spent 2 instars in the coarctate phase; and 1 of those that