baptizer in Vietnamese

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Sentence patterns related to "baptizer"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "baptizer" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "baptizer", or refer to the context using the word "baptizer" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. □ John the Baptizer served in what capacity regarding the Israelite sheepfold?

□ Giăng Báp-tít đã từng giữ vai trò nào đối với chuồng Y-sơ-ra-ên?

2. JOHN THE BAPTIZER is standing with two of his disciples.

Giăng Báp-tít đang ở với hai môn đồ.

3. As the figurative doorkeeper, John the Baptizer welcomed the Fine Shepherd, Jesus

Tượng-trưng người canh cửa, Giăng Báp-tít nhận-diện Giê-su là Đấng Chăn chiên hiền-lành

4. 8 John the Baptizer initially wanted to prevent Jesus from getting baptized.

8 Giăng Báp-tít lúc đầu đã muốn ngăn Chúa Giê-su làm báp-têm.

5. At the age of 30, Jesus was baptized by John the Baptizer and began announcing God’s Kingdom.

6. 1:35, 40 —Who besides Andrew was the disciple standing with John the Baptizer?

1:35, 40—Ngoài Anh-rê, sứ đồ nào đứng với Giăng Báp-tít?

7. It is possible that Luke learned things about John’s birth from Elizabeth, the mother of John the Baptizer.

Dường như Lu-ca đã biết thông tin về sự ra đời của Giăng Báp-tít qua Ê-li-sa-bét.

8. Abbreviates stigma aliparkitus matatagalan, magtatagal, malalaunan baptizer возити pagkakamit, pagtataglay, pagkakaroon inzulin creeping current distinto, diferente PDT; P.D.T

9. How did John the Baptizer show that the spiritual seed of Abraham would not necessarily be composed exclusively of Jews?

Giăng Báp-tít chứng tỏ như thế nào rằng dòng-dõi thiêng-liêng của Áp-ra-ham sẽ không nhất thiết chỉ gồm những người Do-thái?

10. Practiced by religious traditions worldwide, it became associated with the early Christian movement following the Baptism of Jesus of Nazareth by John, called the Baptist or the Baptizer

11. (Luke 1:5, 6) Elizabeth was favored by Jehovah in that, although barren and well along in years, she became the mother of John the Baptizer. —Luke 1:7, 13.

Đức Giê-hô-va ban thưởng bà Ê-li-sa-bét dù trong tuổi già và không con lâu năm mà đã sanh ra Giăng Báp-tít (Lu-ca 1:7, 13).

12. (1 Kings 4:20; Hebrews 11:12) Moreover, some 1,971 years after Abraham left Haran, a descendant of his, Jesus, was baptized in water by John the Baptizer and then in holy spirit by Jehovah himself to become the Messiah, Abraham’s Seed in the complete, spiritual sense.

(1 Các Vua 4:20; Hê-bơ-rơ 11:12) Hơn nữa, khoảng 1.971 năm sau khi Áp-ra-ham rời Cha-ran, một người thuộc dòng dõi của ông, Chúa Giê-su, được Giăng Báp-tít làm báp têm trong nước và rồi được Đức Giê-hô-va làm báp têm bằng thánh linh để trở thành Đấng Mê-si, Dòng Dõi của Áp-ra-ham theo ý nghĩa thiêng liêng, trọn vẹn.

13. These two accounts are similar in that both occasions were marked with great feasting and granting of favors; both are remembered for executions, the beheading of Pharaoh’s chief baker in the first instance, the beheading of John the Baptizer in the latter. —Ge 40:18-22; 41:13; Mt 14:6-11; Mr 6:21-28.

14. Senecio requested either reinforcements or an Imperial expedition, and Severus Chose the latter, despite being 62 years old.: He Chose the Arianizing bishop Eusebius of Nicomedia, bishop of the city where he lay dying, as his baptizer.: In 595, Gregory Chose Augustine, who was the prior of the Abbey of St Andrew's in Rome, to head the mission to Kent