Latinized in Vietnamese

động từ
1. la tinh hóa (chữ viết)
2. chuyển theo phong cách La-tinh (phong tục, tập quán...)
3. dùng từ ngữ đặc La-tinh

Sentence patterns related to "Latinized"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "Latinized" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "Latinized", or refer to the context using the word "Latinized" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Also known by his Latinized name, Stephanus, and his Anglicized name, Stephens.

Cũng có tên La-tinh là Stephanus và tên Anh là Stephens.

2. Gelsemium is a Latinized form of the Italian word for jasmine, gelsomino.

Gelsemium là một dạng Latin hóa của từ tiếng Ý cây hoa nhài, gelsomino.

3. They were reviewing a lesson written on the blackboard in the Latinized Chinese phonetic script.

4. The constellation name was Latinized to Antlia Pnumatica for his 1763 work Coelum Australe Stelliferum

5. Baby names that sound like Asale include Achala (Indian), Agele, Aglaea (English and Latinized), Agla

6. ACHILLES m Greek Mythology (Latinized), Ancient Greek (Latinized) From the Greek Ἀχιλλεύς (Achilleus), which is of unknown meaning, perhaps derived from Greek ἄχος (achos) meaning "pain" or else from the name of the Achelous River

7. Cnidaria (ni-DA-re-a) is the Latinized form of a Greek word (κνιδοσ) that means sting

8. Species: In the Latinized name for a plant, the genus comes first, then the species, a subdivision.

9. It was only later, when he started authoring his scholarly works, that Mikołaj adopted the Latinized name Nicolaus Copernicus.

10. Analeptic Meaning: "restorative, invigorating, strengthening," from Latinized form of Greek analeptikos "restorative," from… See definitions of Analeptic.

11. Zeta Apodis, Latinized from ζ Apodis, is the Bayer designation for a star in the southern constellation of Apus

12. Cacophony Meaning: "harsh or unpleasant sound," probably via French cacophonie (16c.), from a Latinized form of Greek… See definitions of Cacophony.

13. The Angier family lived in the area of Angers, Anjou France and is found there in charters in the Latinized form of Angevinus.

14. Avicenna is the Latinized version of the name “Ibn Sina” whose full form is Abu Ali al-Ḥusayn ibn Abd Allah ibn Sina

15. Anencephalic Meaning: "having no brain" (biology), 1821, with -ic + Latinized form of Greek anenkephalos, from an- "not,… See definitions of Anencephalic.

16. Latinized form of the Greek Ἀστραία (Astraia), derived from Greek ἀστήρ meaning "star".Astraea was a Greek goddess of justice and innocence

17. The 8th-century Muslim alchemist Jabir ibn Hayyan (Latinized as Geber) analyzed each classical element in terms of the four basic qualities.

18. Autarchy Meaning: "absolute sovereignty," from Latinized form of Greek autarkhia, from autarkhein "to be an absolute… See definitions of Autarchy.

19. Constabulary (n.) 1630s, "district under a constable," from Medieval Latin constabularia, from constabulus, Latinized form of Old French conestable (see constable)

20. Trost, comfort, aid, fidelity, trust, through the latinized form trustis.Our information about the Antrustions is derived from one of the formulae of Marculfus (i

21. Anesthetize Meaning: "bring under the influence of an anesthetic," 1848, from Latinized form of Greek anaisthetos "insensate,… See definitions of Anesthetize.

22. Bronchus Meaning: "either of the two main branches of the trachea" (plural bronchi), 1706, from Latinized form of Greek… See definitions of Bronchus.

23. Bronchia (n.) "Bronchial tubes," 1670s, from Latinized form of Greek bronkhia, plural of bronkhos "windpipe, throat," which is of unknown etymology.

24. Anomphalous Meaning: "without a navel," 1742, from Latinized compound of Greek an- "without" (see an- (1)) + omphalos "navel"… See definitions of Anomphalous.

25. In olden days, the term was spelled as arbitrement, subsequently the term was Latinized to Arbitrament, which the OED notes has been the accepted spelling since about 1830.

26. Aphoristic (adj.) "of the nature of an aphorism," 1753, from Latinized form of Greek aphoristikos, from aphorismos "definition, pithy sentence" (see aphorism). Related: Aphoristically (1650s)

27. Nikephoros Bryennios the Elder (Greek: Νικηφόρος Βρυέννιος ο πρεσβύτερος), Latinized as Nicephorus Bryennius, was a Byzantine general who tried to establish himself as Emperor in the late eleventh century.

Nikephoros Bryennios Già (tiếng Hy Lạp: Νικηφόρος Βρυέννιος ο πρεσβύτερος), là một vị tướng Đông La Mã đã cố gắng tự lập làm hoàng đế vào cuối thế kỷ 11.

28. Ibn Rushd, often Latinized as Averroes, was a Muslim Andalusi philosopher and judge who wrote about many subjects, including philosophy, theology, medicine, astronomy, physics, Islamic jurisprudence and law, and linguistics

29. 2 a word or combination of words by which a person or thing is regularly known "Christopher Columbus" is the Latinized Cognomen of the navigator who was …

30. Aphoristic (adj.) "of the nature of an aphorism," 1753, from Latinized form of Greek aphoristikos, from aphorismos "definition, pithy sentence" (see aphorism).Related: Aphoristically (1650s)

31. Chromosome (n.) 1889, from German Chromosom, coined 1888 by German anatomist Wilhelm von Waldeyer-Hartz (1836-1921), from Latinized form of Greek khrōma "color" (see chroma) + -some (3))

32. The Latinized name is also spelled in some instances as "Averroës", "Averrhoës" or "Averroès", with varying accents to denote that the "o" and "e" are separate vowels and not an "œ" digraph.

33. Cylindrical (adj.) "having the form or properties of a cylinder," 1640s, probably from cylindric (but this is attested only from 1680s), from Latinized form of Greek kylindrikos, from kylindros (see cylinder) + -al (1).

34. Agaric (n.) 1530s, an herbalists' name for a wide range of fungi, from Latinized form of Greek agarikon, name of a corky tree-fungus used as tinder, said by ancient sources to be from Agari in Sarmatia.

35. Chthonic (adj.) "of or pertaining to the under world," 1882, with -ic + Latinized form of Greek khthonios "of the earth, in the earth," from khthōn "the earth, solid surface …

36. Spellings of “Apollinaris” vary; reflecting the Greek spelling is “Apollinarios,” and a more latinized version popular in scholarly literature is “Apollinarius.” [] Robin Orton, Gregory of Nyssa: Anti-Apollinarian Writings, The Fathers of the Church, vol

37. The specific name Coypus is the Latinized form of Coypu, a name in the language of the Araucanian Indians of south-central Chile and adjacent parts of Argentina for an aquatic mammal that was possibly this species

38. 980 in Balkh, Khorasan – 1037 in Hamedan), also known as Ibn Sīnā and commonly known in English by his Latinized name Avicenna (Greek Aβιτζιανός), was a Persian Muslim polymath and the foremost physician and philosopher of his time.

39. Cation (n.) 1834, from Latinized form of Greek kation "going down," neuter present participle of katienai "to go down," from kata "down" (see cata-) + ienai "to go" (from PIE root *ei-"to go")

40. Eta Arae, Latinized from η Arae, is the Bayer designation for a single star in the southern constellation of Ara.It is approximately 299 light-years (92 parsecs) from Earth and is visible to the naked eye with an apparent visual magnitude of 3.76

41. As opposed to "Apostrophizing," where the character breaks off to address someone or something directly, and the person or thing addressed might not be alive or present? For what it's worth, prosopopoeia is usually Latinized into "personification." In American classrooms, anyway

42. Cacoethes (n.) "itch for doing something," 1560s, from Latinized form of Greek kakoēthēs "ill-habit, wickedness, itch for doing (something)," from kakos "bad" (from PIE root *kakka- "to defecate") + ēthē- "disposition, character" (see ethos)

43. From Wikipedia: In Greek mythology, the Moirai (Ancient Greek: Μοῖραι, “Apportioners”, Latinized as Moerae)—often known in English as the Fates—were the white-robed incarnations of destiny (Roman equivalent: Parcae, euphemistically the “sparing ones”, or Fata; also analogous to the Germanic Norns).

44. Confucius (551–479 BCE) is the Latinized form of Kong Zi (also Kong Fuzi; Master Kong) whose real name was Kong Qiu or Kong Zhongni (Figure 1).He was born in Qufu in the small state of Lu (in present-day Shandong province in Eastern China), and lived in …

45. Richly deserved the Cognomen of “Butterfingers” “Christopher Columbus” is the Latinized Cognomen of the navigator who was known to his Spanish crewmates as Cristóbal Colón Recent Examples on the Web The Cognomen, or surname, of the Oba is Ekpen-owa, or home leopard.

46. Cenozoic (adj.) "the third great geological period," 1841, Cainozoic, from Latinized form of Greek kainos "new, fresh, recent, novel" (see recent) + zōon "animal," but here with a sense of "life" (from PIE root *gwei-"to live")

47. By Seleucus I Nictor and named for his father, Antiochus.The name, also borne by several Syrian kings and an eclectic philosopher, is a Latinized form of Greek Antiokhos, literally "resistant, holding out against," from anti "against" (see anti-) + ekhein "to have, hold;" in intransitive use

48. Latinized form of Greek Ἀντίφονόν (Antiphonon), derived from Greek ἀντίφονος (antiphonos) meaning "in return for slaughter" or "in revenge for blood", from ἀντί "in return for; for the sake of, for" and φόνος (phonos) "murder, slaughter; blood shed in murder, gore

49. Autocratic (adj.) "holding unlimited and independent powers of government," 1815 (in reference to Napoleon), from French autocratique, from autocrate, from Latinized form of Greek autokrates (see autocrat).Earlier Autocratoric (1670s) was directly from Greek autokratorikos "of or for an autocrat, despotically." Autocratical is attested from 1767 (in reference to Elizabeth I).

50. Ibn Sina (980-1037), whose name was Latinized by Christian Europeans as Avicenna, is often called the greatest of the Islamic philosophers, much as Plato is the most popular and extensive in influence of Greek philosophers, Confucius of Chinese philosophers, Buddha of Indian philosophers, and Kant for German philosophers, for supporters and critics alike, such that…