Fear in Vietnamese


Sentence patterns related to "Fear"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "Fear" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "Fear", or refer to the context using the word "Fear" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Agoraphobia, a Fear of Fear

2. The fear of God displaces morbid, cowering fear.

3. To keep you living in fear.- Oh fear?

Để giữ ông sống trong lo sợ.- ồ lo sợ?

4. Your girlfriend's fear seems to interlock with your fear.

5. Doubt, fear, unbelief; fear that thou art not worthy!

6. Fear Itself.

Anh kinh sợ với chính bản thân mình.

7. You smell of fear, fear and piss and old bones.

Các người có mùi sợ hãi... sợ hãi và khai ngấy và già nua.

8. The fear of ill exceeds the ills we fear

9. Fear of a name only increases fear of the thing itself.

Sợ một cái tên chỉ làm tăng thêm nổi sợ của người đó.

10. Avoidants Are Afraid Of People There are a lot of fears in this world: fear of heights, fear of snakes, fear of clowns, fear of your teacher/boss, and even the fear of the Lord

11. Fear of AIDS

Sợ bệnh liệt kháng (AIDS)

12. That erased fear.

13. Fear the Return!.

Giai điệu trở về!

14. Fear my greatness!

Kinh hãi sự vĩ đại của ta đi!

15. The fear of separation I suddenly understood that day to be a fear as primordial as the fear of death.

16. Aelurophobia or Ailurophobia - Fear of cats Aeroacrophobia - Fear of open high places Aeronausiphobia - Fear of vomiting due to airsickness Aerophobia - Fear of flying, fly vehicles, air, drafts, wind, swallowing air, or airborne substances Agateophobia - Fear of insanity or becoming insane Agliophobia or Algophobia - Fear of pain

17. Studies of Fear as an Acquirable Drive Fear as Motivation and Fear-Reduction as Reinforcement in the Learning of New Responses

18. Fear is present.

Hiện ở đây có miếu thờ.

19. Why Fear God

Tại sao phải kính sợ Đức Chúa Trời?

20. Fear always works.

Dùng nỗi sợ thì tác dụng hết.

21. Avoidants Are Afraid Of People There are a lot of fears in this world: fear of heights, fear of snakes, fear of clowns, fear of your teacher/boss, and even the fear of the Lord. These are normal and even good because fear prevents us from doing dumb things …

22. Fear Allah concerning women!

23. acrophobia: fear of height

24. He sells fear, panic.

Họ gieo rắc nỗi sợ hãi và hoảng loạn.

25. Fear covers the world

26. Do not fear them.”

Chớ sợ chi”.

27. Fear shrinks the brain.

Nỗi sợ làm não chùn lại.

28. We fear the worst.

Chúng ta e sợ điều tồi tệ.

29. Intense fear paralyzes you.

sợ đến cứng đờ lại

30. Allaying Fear About Sin

Giảm bớt lo âu về tội lỗi

31. Big whoppers, little whoppers, Bamboozlements, empty promises, detail-free policy mumblings, flat-out intentional lies, trickery, but always fear, fear and more fear

32. 23 As Franklin Roosevelt said, " We have nothing to fear but fear itself. "

33. Fear makes others follow.

Sợ hãi khiến những kẻ khác tuân theo.

34. " Desperadoes, cringe in fear... "

♪ Kẻ liều mạng chẳng biết sợ ai ♪ Dũng sĩ sấm sét sẽ ra oai ♪

35. She shrieked in fear.

36. Fear congealed my blood.

37. It was followed by a fear, an Appalling fear, more painful than the remorse.

38. Abandonment is a core fear in humans, and this fear is intensified in adolescents

39. The book advances the view that reasonable fear should be considered well-founded fear.

40. Fear —Friend or Foe?

Sự sợ hãi—Bạn hay thù?

41. They fear your sister.

Chúng sợ em gái cô.

42. Fear Jehovah —Be Happy!

Kính sợ Đức Giê-hô-va mang lại hạnh phúc!

43. “Fear the True God”

“Khá kính-sợ Đức Chúa Trời”

44. Awe, Reverence, and Fear

Kính phục, tôn kính và kính sợ

45. He blanched from fear.

46. Unlike specific phobias like pteromerhanophobia (fear of flying), Acrophobia is a nonspecific fear of heights.

47. Behind the fear of an ideal you, you create the fear, you can beat him.

48. But fear the true God.

Nhưng hãy kính sợ Đức Chúa Trời.

49. Fear is sign of weakness.

Kì thi là biểu hiện của sự dốt nát.

50. The fire consumes your fear.

Ngọn lửa sẽ hấp thu nỗi sợ của cậu.