quickly in Dutch

quickly [kwikliː] gauw, hard, inallerijl, schielijk, snel, vlug

Sentence patterns related to "quickly"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "quickly" from the English - Dutch Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "quickly", or refer to the context using the word "quickly" in the English - Dutch Dictionary.

1. People age quickly, and die quickly.

2. 16 - Surely I Come quickly; yea, I Come quickly

3. Dress quickly.

4. Guilt fades quickly.

5. Babylon falls quickly!

6. Rub well, quickly

7. Zinex impulse, quickly.

8. It quickly escalates.

9. I quickly obeyed.

10. Nurse, donkey testicles, quickly!

11. Young children tire quickly.

12. The patient recovered quickly.

13. I get drunk quickly.

14. The relationship quickly ended.

15. Let's do this quickly...

16. I am coming quickly.

17. He catches on quickly.

18. Lightly gain, quickly lost.

19. Go there quickly, please

20. “Mine,” she quickly replied.

21. It happened so quickly.

22. Please quickly go out.

23. 5 In the sentence 'She ran quickly', the adverb 'quickly' modifies the verb 'ran'.

24. She quickly drank it.

25. So quickly, so soon.

26. The jelly firmed quickly.

27. Send for a doctor, quickly!

28. This problem was quickly discovered.

29. Strawberries go mouldy very quickly.

30. The rebellion was quickly quashed.

31. Come quickly - don't disappoint me!

32. But then he quickly recovers.

33. Sadly, they left too quickly.

34. Dick passed the football quickly.

35. Once cut, apples quickly discolour.

36. The party was arranged quickly.

37. The coffer boiled up quickly.

38. Chocks install quickly, without tools

39. The film was quickly forgotten.

40. Cussane worked quickly and methodically.

41. The baby is growing quickly.

42. The room was filling quickly.

43. Extract DVD sound track quickly.

44. Boneless, skinless thighs cook quickly

45. Agree with thine adversary quickly....

46. Submarine can submerge very quickly.

47. Beat up the men quickly.

48. He quickly released her hand.

49. The place quickly became untidy.

50. He quickly inserts the catheter.