unprepared in Korean

adjective - unprepared
준비없는: unready, unprepared
준비가 되지 않은: unprepared
각오가 되지 않은: unprepared

Sentence patterns related to "unprepared"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "unprepared" from the English - Korean. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "unprepared", or refer to the context using the word "unprepared" in the English - Korean.

1. We were caught completely unprepared.

2. Mexico was unprepared for war.

3. The television stations were also unprepared.

4. She was totally unprepared for his response.

5. The extreme cold weather caught them unprepared.

6. The unanticipated attack of dog left them unprepared.

7. The ferry was unprepared to handle a disaster.

8. She was quite unprepared for Miss Phoebe's reaction.

9. Elizabeth had been unprepared for such a dramatic change.

10. We were unprepared for the apparition that confronted us.

11. Many high school graduates are unprepared for the workplace.

12. They were unprepared to accept the conditions of the contract.

13. Your first day of school And I'm totally unprepared.

14. The sheer number of spectators has caught everyone unprepared.

15. She was unprepared to accept that her marriage was over.

16. It was a crisis that she was totally unprepared for.

17. I was totally unprepared for the challenge which faced me.

18. He was completely/totally/wholly unprepared for what he saw.

19. Breadline: Unprepared Texans Line Up Outside Grocery Store Amid Winter Storm

20. You've got to think Ahead so as not to be unprepared

21. She was totally unprepared for the blast of criticism she received.

22. It was a crisis for which she was totally unprepared.

23. God help us if they attack now while we're still unprepared.

24. I was totally unprepared for the announcement on the next day.

25. Notes: Dentaliums planaea Banks Olin tubbist Hlidhskjalf unprepared frowns Candice preeffectually Bousoukis

26. His fame was so sudden that he was unprepared for public life.

27. Hiking the Grand Canyon is a thrill but perilous for the unprepared

28. They are like teachings that fall upon a heart hardened or unprepared.

29. (Matthew 25:10-12) Yes, some were unprepared for the Bridegroom’s arrival.

30. Crude definition, in a raw or unprepared state; unrefined or natural: Crude sugar

31. It can not be stopped, but it can stop the unwary or the unprepared.

32. With little equipment and unsuitable footwear, she epitomizes the inexperienced and unprepared mountain walker.

33. But the Persians were unprepared for the suddenness and vehemence of the Macedonian attack.

34. When the refugee arrived in America, he was unprepared for xenophobia he found there.

35. Yet the handling of the report has made the government look fumbling and unprepared.

36. An unprepared passenger might be mangled by the door or might miss his stop altogether.

37. Crudeness: Rawness; unripeness; an unprepared or undigested state: as, the Crudeness of flesh or plants.

38. She was unprepared for the flood of vituperation which descended on her from her critics.

39. Buttressed definition: held up by braces or buttresses synonyms: braced, supported antonyms: unsupported, unprepared, unwarranted

40. Many times the Bruins appeared unprepared for the shots and were in poor rebounding position.

41. Her surviving crew members, rich with prize money, are unprepared, perhaps, for what lies ahead -- peace.

42. Many of the students were simply unprepared for higher education; others had to go back to work.

43. The degree to which Texas was unprepared for their freak freeze continues to baffle, confuse and Appall Seattleites who say they’re more accustomed to being completely unprepared for an inevitable, overdue and catastrophic earthquake they’ve only had a few decades to plan for.

44. In unprepared foods, niacin is present mainly in the form of the cellular pyridine nucleotides NAD and NADP.

45. The clearly necessary tax increases required to pay for unification are now being forced down very unprepared throats.

46. The sudden, unprepared E Major Allegro that concludes the fourth and final movement seems a bit like kicking the corpse.

47. Even as I battled my fears with frenetic bursts of activity, whenever I slowed down I knew I was unprepared.

48. Relatively unprepared for his new responsibilities, Prajadhipok was nevertheless intelligent, diplomatic in his dealings with others, modest, and eager to learn.

49. This also left certain Negro Volunteers unprepared to make the necessary adjustment, and led to the same kind of painful surprise.

50. Cluttering speech disorder was an area I felt unprepared to diagnose and treat when I started working in the schools