unjustifiable in Korean

adjective - unjustifiable
조리가 닿지 않는: unjustifiable

Sentence patterns related to "unjustifiable"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "unjustifiable" from the English - Korean. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "unjustifiable", or refer to the context using the word "unjustifiable" in the English - Korean.

1. His behaviour was unjustifiable.

2. His behaviour was quite unjustifiable.

3. Illegal and unjustifiable funds and charges.

4. The raid was an unjustifiable act of aggression.

5. 19 The raid was an unjustifiable act of aggression.

6. American Middle East policy since The Gulf War was unjustifiable.

7. Pierre Teluduo feels special awkwardness to this kind of unjustifiable act.

8. Could you successfully explain a way of life that you found unjustifiable?

9. The Second Circuit held that the agency's choice of site was unjustifiable.

10. When dog bites dog, each gets a mouthful of fur -- usually indicating unjustifiable disputes .

11. Fear is the great destroyer of happiness, and most fears are unjustifiable.

12. No one argues that the referral is wholly unjustifiable on clinical grounds.

13. Using these missiles to down civilian aircraft is simply immoral and totally unjustifiable.

14. Ken Parish sees the disclosures so far as both counter-productive and unjustifiable:

켄 페리쉬(Ken Parish)는 위키리크스 폭로가 아직까지는 비건설적이며 정당성이 없다고 주장하였다:

15. In another category there are the unjustifiable ones , and these we must rebut.

16. Otherwise the mismatch of risk provides an unjustifiable public subsidy to the banking sector.

17. She didn't know how to answer him - how to justify actions that were unjustifiable.

18. The restraint an individual outside such extenuating circumstances, or the use of excessive force, is unjustifiable.

19. And I can even shrug off the unjustifiable accuse the university education of the unemployment rate.

20. Some ethicists regard the cloning of humans as a morally unjustifiable intrusion into human life.

21. Antonyms for Condonable include indefensible, inexcusable, mortal, unforgivable, unjustifiable, unpardonable, unwarrantable, inexpiable, outrageous and insupportable

22. Found and Fried criticize the doctrine of consideration as an unjustifiable impediment to economic freedom.

23. RNG: The appeal to religion to justify the otherwise unjustifiable, such as the ban on contraception.

24. God’s use of force has nothing in common with the unjustifiable abuse of power by humans.

하느님께서 힘을 사용하시는 것은, 인간들이 정당화될 수 없는 방법으로 힘을 남용하는 것과는 전혀 다릅니다.

25. Ailurophobia, also known as Elurophobia, Felinophobia, Gatophobia or Cat Phobia is the unjustifiable and persistent fear of cats

26. Macarthy, the defence lawyer, found himself in the position of trying to defend the indefensible and justify the unjustifiable.

27. The business constituency, on the other hand, views much regulation as an unjustifiable intrusion by the State.

28. Failure to make the needed investments in food access, nutrition, and sustainability is morally – and economically – unjustifiable.

29. It is morally unjustifiable to punish a whole class for the actions of one or two of its members.

30. He said the verdict was unjustifiable, as had William Dean Howells and William Morris at the time of its execution.

31. Even worse, it is impossible to put an end to the debate since it turns over an empirically unjustifiable causal reasoning.

32. Anticipatory Repudiation: The unjustifiable denial by a party to a contract of any intention to perform contractual duties, which occurs prior to the time performance is due

33. Adjective unfounded, false, fabricated, unconfirmed, spurious, unjustified, unproven, unsubstantiated, groundless, unsupported, trumped up, without foundation, unjustifiable, uncorroborated, ungrounded, without basis The government has described the reports as completely Baseless.

34. Quite a number of Bible translators have taken the unjustifiable liberty of omitting God’s name, Jehovah, from modern translations even though that name is found in ancient Bible manuscripts.

35. Most who write off bullfighting as a cruel and unjustifiable sport generally know very little about what actually takes place in a corrida, an afternoon series of fights in which six bulls are killed.

36. With respect to (c), the ESC calls for the removal of unjustifiable charges collected by sea ports and the speedy abolition of the special charges levied on new boats as part of the "old for new" rule.

37. Every wanton, or Causeless, or unnecessary act of authority, exerted, or authorized, or encouraged by the legislature over the citizens, is wrong, and unjustifiable, and tyrannical: for every citizen is, of right, entitled to liberty, personal as well as mental, in the highest possible degree, which can consist with the safety and welfare of

38. Mr President, ladies and gentlemen, I, together with Mr Sassoli and all the members of the Democratic Party within the Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament, would like to echo your words of solidarity towards the Italian Prime Minister, Silvio Berlusconi, and stress that this was an abominable, unacceptable and unjustifiable act.