unimaginable in Korean

adjective - unimaginable
상상할 수 없는: unimaginable

Sentence patterns related to "unimaginable"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "unimaginable" from the English - Korean. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "unimaginable", or refer to the context using the word "unimaginable" in the English - Korean.

1. Unimaginable sacrifice was made to procure glass.

2. Misgiving mixing unimaginable gladness made me feel dizzy.

3. If you do, you will unleash unimaginable horrors.

4. 8 The two made unimaginable amounts of money.

5. 1 The scale of the fighting is almost unimaginable.

6. 9 Misgiving mixing unimaginable gladness made me feel dizzy.

7. 9 He laughed to near crying over unimaginable details.

8. 3 The children here have lived through unimaginable horrors.

9. 2 The scale of the fighting is almost unimaginable.

10. 14 "It seems unimaginable," Sontag wrote, "to aestheticize" cancer.

11. 4 The suffering inflicted on these children was unimaginable.

12. 12 The scale of the fighting is almost unimaginable.

13. 16 Misgiving mixing unimaginable gladness made me feel dizzy.

14. 15 It would have resulted in an unimaginable hunger catastrophe.

15. 7 He possessed vast,(www.Sentencedict.com) almost unimaginable talent and ambition.

16. The full scope of a nuclear detonation is almost unimaginable.

17. Lost in this war, was a weapon of unimaginable power:

18. 2 Such speed of travel was unimaginable before the railway age.

19. Many people have talked about military options being unimaginable regarding North Korea.

20. He is accused of inflicting unimaginable Barbarities on his own people.

21. 18 For a federal judge to take her seriously was unimaginable.

22. 6 This level of success would have been unimaginable just last year.

23. 29 So what do we do now, now that the unimaginable has happened?

24. The gargantuan effort was conducted under almost unimaginable conditions of hardship and coercion.

25. Antonyms for Conjecturable include unConjecturable, indivinable, unguessable, undivinable, unimaginable, impossible, inconceivable, unbelievable, incomprehensible and

26. In 70 C.E., though, the Jewish nation faced a religious crisis of unimaginable proportions.

27. 21 But this pop business is not all eight-figure deals and unimaginable riches.

28. 11 The gargantuan effort was conducted under almost unimaginable conditions of hardship and coercion.

29. 20 He was aware of dangers, but compelled by the promise of unimaginable rewards.

30. Pay a compliment to somebody everyday and your life will change in unimaginable ways.

31. Antonyms for Cogitable include inCogitable, inconceivable, unthinkable, unbelievable, impossible, unlikely, unreasonable, unimaginable, incredible and unbelieveable

32. He concludes: “Provided we remain faithful, Jehovah will open up unimaginable ways to use us.”

33. The Crimean War viscerally present in the domestic sphere in a way previously unimaginable

34. 24 To their preferred feeding-grounds they are a long arrow shot from unimaginable nowhere.

35. Every day, the news seems more Anguishing as we watch fellow Washingtonians deal with unimaginable losses

36. In dealing with such an unimaginable wealth of species , some system of classification is absolutely essential .

37. Within just a few years of her birth, little Bessie was baptized into unimaginable tragedy.

38. Antonyms for Arguable include untenable, unimaginable, unthinkable, certain, accomplished, hands-down, inArguable, incontestable, incontrovertible and indisputable

39. When the tax cut was going through Congress, the figures seemed too unimaginable to really resonate.

40. 10 Because he went further than most into that unimaginable world of extreme pain and violence.

41. The combination of informatics and telecommunications advances expands the potentialities of both branches to unimaginable heights

42. 27 He thought he was on the threshold of some awful enlightenment, an initiation of unimaginable pain.

43. 30 After a while she gave up, and left him sitting there, staring blindly into an unimaginable future.

44. 25 When the tax cut was going through Congress, the figures seemed too unimaginable to really resonate.

45. 22 The rescue project which the legislature approved in 1933 not only was bold, it was almost unimaginable.

46. 5 We all believed it unimaginable that he had lived alone on a deserted island for so long.

47. Charlotte had parties of unimaginable luxuriance, with magicians from London and, the previous year, an ice-cream cake.

48. 28 In addition, a rapidly growing domestic satellite system may eventually permit domestic eavesdropping on a scale almost unimaginable.

49. 13 The agony was unimaginable; she had never thought that there could be such pain in the world.

50. 12 It is not simply that Spiegelman reduces unimaginable statistics and intolerable realities to concrete and manageable proportions.