boasters in Korean

noun - boaster
자랑꾼: boaster, brag

Sentence patterns related to "boasters"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "boasters" from the English - Korean. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "boasters", or refer to the context using the word "boasters" in the English - Korean.

1. Great boasters, little doers.

2. Why was Asaph “envious of the boasters”?

3. 14 So hear the word of Jehovah, you boasters,

4. For then I will remove the haughty boasters from among you;

5. Boastfulnesses boasting boastingly boastings boastive boastless boasts boat: Literary usage of Boasters

6. Synonyms for Braggarts include boasters, brags, braggadocios, braggers, swaggerers, blowhards, blusterers, posers, poseurs and poseuses

7. Synonyms for Bullshitters include braggarts, boasters, brags, braggadocios, braggers, swaggerers, blowhards, blusterers, posers and poseurs

8. Synonyms for Blowhards include boasters, braggarts, gascons, blowers, brags, braggadocios, braggers, cockalorums, crackers and gasconaders

9. For I became envious of the boasters, when I would see the very peace of wicked people.”

10. Synonyms for Cockalorums include braggadocios, boasters, brags, braggarts, swaggerers, blowhards, braggers, gasconaders, gascons and crackers

11. “I became envious of the boasters, when I would see the very peace of wicked people,” he wrote.

12. Boarhound boarhounds boarish boars boart boarts boas boast boasted boaster boasters boastful boastfully boastfulness Boastfulnesses boasting boasts boat boatable boatbill boatbills boatbuilder boatbuilders boatbuilding boatbuildings.

13. Aberrate abortees aborters abraders adsorber aerators aerobats aerodart aerosats Arabesks arboreta arrested asserted asserter assertor assorted assorter baresark bartered basseted bastards bedsores berserks besteads bestrode boarders boasters brassard brassart breakers breasted broadest brokered dabsters debasers debaters dosseret droseras