tree line in Hindi

tree line <N.>

  1. तल~जिसके~ऊपर~पेड~न~उगता~हो{पहाड़ों~इत्यादि~पर} "Snow has covered the tree line."

Sentence patterns related to "tree line"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "tree line" from the English - Hindi Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "tree line", or refer to the context using the word "tree line" in the English - Hindi Dictionary.

1. Still higher above the tree line, the moorlands appear.

वृक्ष सीमा से भी ऊपर, बंजर भूमि नज़र आती है।

2. I got Tyrus down in the tree line with a Barrett.50.

3. Birch predominates near the tree line, and pine lower down, mixed with other species.

4. It was a hostile place, almost devoid of vegetation, and well above the tree line.

5. Europe's highest tree line, high alpine vegetation zones with endemic plants that are protected throughout Switzerland.

6. Alpines naturally originate from mountainous regions in an alpine climate at high elevation, above the tree line

7. Snow gentians and trumpet gentians (1), with their vivid-blue petals, carpet slopes well above the tree line.

8. So we fled for the tree line where their... your armored carriages met us with cannon fire and flame.

9. In 1973, the mountain above the tree line (about 2,700 metres (8,900 ft)) was reclassified as a national park.

1973 में, ट्री लाइन (लगभग 2,700 मीटर (8,900 फीट)) के ऊपर के पहाड़ को राष्ट्रीय उद्यान के रूप में पुनर्निर्मित किया गया था।

10. Accentor Facts & Trivia for kids Accentor bird species usually live in high mountain areas above the tree-line

11. In summer, chamois stay in the alpine zone above the tree line, where they graze on the hale (pastures).

12. South of the tree line, the winters are shorter, so trees grow faster and taller and forests begin to appear.

13. The best exposure for Apples is a north side of a house, tree line, or rise rather than the south

14. 14 I could see the muzzle flashes in the tree line fifty yards away, which blocked our take-off path.

15. This is the tree line, the first place on our journey with sufficient warmth and liquid water to enable a tree to grow.

16. 12 The changing climate forced the Inuit to work their way south, forcing them into marginal niches along the edges of the tree line.

17. Why were all the goggles passing the test on the test equipment and yet one failed to reach the actual "tree line" infinity test?

18. 14 In Canada and Greenland, the Inuit circulated almost exclusively north of the "Arctic tree line",( the de facto southern border of Inuit society.

19. Cattle are also an important commodity, and much of the land on and around Imbabura, especially the high-altitude meadows above the tree line, is used for grazing.

20. Cannes' mild Mediterranean climate brings lush palm tree line boulevards and long balmy nights in the summer, along with perfect cycling, running and sailing conditions over the winter months

21. Breeding at heights of 1600 m above sea level and higher, it is one of the few parrot species in the world to regularly spend time above the tree line.

22. It occurs in most habitats with trees, in Tasmania predominantly eucalypt forests and in New Zealand forests dominated by Podocarpus, Nothofagus, Metrosideros, and other hardwoods, up to the alpine tree line.

23. She pointed, and he went to the western side of the office, peering into the distance until he caught sight of four brilliantly colored Atomies making their way alongside a tree line that

24. In the forest–tundra, below the tree line, four sites in peat plateaus have a stratigraphic sequence indicating an alluvial plain environment from 6000 to 4800 BP followed by a wetland supporting trees and shrubs with deep snow accumulation and without permafrost.

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26. The backdrop was the mountains; mountains with snow tucked in their Crevices and, on the higher ones, sugar dust capping their tops in white, stark contrast to the deep green of the pine forests running up their sides to the tree line and the magnificent blue of the sky above.