traumatize in Hindi

traumatize <V.>

  1. आघात~पहुँचना "The victims were traumatized after the attack."

Sentence patterns related to "traumatize"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "traumatize" from the English - Hindi Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "traumatize", or refer to the context using the word "traumatize" in the English - Hindi Dictionary.

1. DeClawing can mentally traumatize the …

2. Did his parents traumatize him?

3. Somehow or alternative, they will got to traumatize their bulky adore .

4. Maggie: Ok well have you thought about how this could traumatize Ben and Carol?

5. 'You don't want to quit precipitously since you can traumatize yourself even more by facing extended un employment .

6. Some people would say that having a homosexual parent would traumatize a child and ruin their social life.

7. But it is for you to discuss and sort out the problems and let the fights not traumatize your married life!

8. The point is not to permanently traumatize anyone — the researchers who performed this experiment quickly followed it with a ritual absolving the child of blame.

9. ‘The shock of inhuman Brutality was sufficient to traumatize the inhabitants into submission.’ ‘It was a clearly planned killing with murderous intent executed with Brutality and determination.’

10. At the time of his arrest her mother had been advised not to prosecute her husband because the events surrounding a trial would further traumatize Jennifer.

11. Methods Observing ultrasonogram of normal and traumatize flexor tendons of chicken toe and find out corresponds with ultrasonography and histological morphology during the healing process of tendon.

12. One aspect of such reality is that tragic accidents and violence happen and they shock and traumatize the victim's body, mind and soul at the time and for the rest of their life.