sustain in Hindi

sustain <V.>

  1. जीवित रखना "Water sustains life."
  2. निर्वाह करना "The author is to sustain his arguement throughout the chapter."

Sentence patterns related to "sustain"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "sustain" from the English - Hindi Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "sustain", or refer to the context using the word "sustain" in the English - Hindi Dictionary.

1. We sustain you!

2. In time, nothing is left to sustain the institutions that sustain society.

3. SUSTAIN III CALF Boluses $ 79.00

4. It couldn't sustain its costs.

5. 4 Few planets can sustain life.

6. 1 These columns sustain the arches.

7. Without Biodiversity, life would not sustain

8. Thus, the biosphere can sustain life indefinitely.

9. 9 The future will sustain my suspicion.

10. Thornen Blunthearted The sustain on this house

11. 12 This argument is difficult to sustain.

12. We can no longer sustain that figure.

13. These four posts sustain the entire building.

14. President Monson, we love, honor, and sustain you!

15. The Mojave area will sustain significant nuclear fallout.

16. Give a gift that helps sustain the Arboretum

17. 14 The ice will not sustain your weight.

18. 2 These four posts sustain the entire building.

19. 3 These four posts sustain the entire building.

20. Trust in him to sustain and save you.

21. Miracles performed by him sustain us each day.

22. Your faith will guide you and sustain you.

23. Naivety bordering on obtuseness helped sustain his faith.

24. Algae are plant-like organisms that sustain marine life

25. # 18 - Restructuring plan to sustain growth , say policy makers

26. Pretense cannot sustain blind power. Dejan Stojanovic 

27. On the contrary, the amino-acids sustain fast growth.

28. She found it difficult to sustain the children's interest.

29. They nurture, serve, and sustain their spouses and children.

30. More public works construction could help sustain job growth.

31. Jehovah can sustain us upon “a divan of illness”

32. 15 Kangaroos can sustain high speeds over long distances.

33. 10 This relationship would be very difficult to sustain.

34. 13 Naivety bordering on obtuseness helped sustain his faith.

35. Following the relaunch, Pan Am continued to sustain heavy losses.

36. To feed your household, and to sustain your servant girls.

37. Forests protect, sustain, and improve mankind’s supplies of fresh water.

38. How long will you sustain the rudeness of your boss?

39. 11 They gave me barely enough food to sustain me.

40. 3 She found it difficult to sustain the children's interest.

41. The center will embody and sustain this new educational commitment.

42. They could never muster the courage to sustain your French fury.

43. 21 The evidence is not detailed enough to sustain his argument.

44. But a periodically renegotiated piece rate system can sustain worker cooperation.

45. 7 Will this shelf sustain the weight of all these books?

46. For the snow feeds the rivers that sustain life and agriculture.

बर्फ नदियों को पोषित करती है और नदियां जीवन और कृषि को बनाए रखती हैं।

47. 5 How long will you sustain the rudeness of your boss?

48. Requited love is not enough to sustain a long-term relationship.

49. Baboon organs are too small to sustain people for long periods.

50. 6 Panhandlers always demanding money so they can sustain their lifestyles.